John D Negroponte has/had a position (Former Ambassador) at Country of Mexico

Title Former Ambassador
Start Date 1989-00-00
End Date 1993-00-00
Notes John D. Negroponte: A Diplomatic Life of Controversy and Consequence joined the Foreign Service in 1960 and went on to serve as ambassador to Honduras, Mexico, the Philippines and Iraq. He was also Director of National Intelligence and Deputy Secretary of State. Some excerpts: On joining the Foreign Service . . . “I took the exam in my senior year, in December 1959. I thought I had flunked. I was despondent, but it turned that the five percent extra you got for knowing a foreign language.” (Negroponte knew French). On Iraq . . . “If your military mission is to remove Saddam Hussein and defeat the Iraqi army, that is a relatively well defined objective and with the strength of the United States and the proper organization and the proper plan you are going to be able to do that. . . . The ensuing period involves helping them rebuild their national institutions, rebuild destroyed infrastructure, organize politically and socially again to operate a functioning society. In most countries that is the work of generations, not days or weeks.” Explore Ambassador Negroponte’s full oral history here. Table of Contents Background Born, London, England, 1939 Allen-Stevenson School, Buckley, Phillips Exeter Academy Yale (1956-1960) Entered Foreign Service, 1960 Hong Kong 1961-1963 Visa and Commercial Officer Bureau of African Affairs, Washington, DC AF/EX Post Management Officer June-August 1963 Vietnamese Language Training 1963-1964 Saigon, Vietnam 1964-1968 Political Officer Paris, France 1968-1969 Liaison Officer Paris Peace Talks on Vietnam Stanford University, Hoover Institution 1969-1970 State Department Fellow National Security Council Staff 1970-1973 Quito, Ecuador 1973-1975 Political Counselor Thessaloniki, Greece 1975-1977 Consul General Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs 1977-1979 Deputy Assistant Secretary, with rank of Ambassador East Asia and Pacific Bureau 1980-1981 Deputy Assistant Secretary Honduras 1981-1985 Ambassador Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs 1985-1987 Assistant Secretary of State National Security Council 1987-1989 Deputy National Security Advisor Mexico 1989-1993 Ambassador Philippines 1993-1996 Ambassador America Republics Affairs Bureau 1996-1997 Special Representative Retirement 1997 McGraw Hill Companies 1997-2001 Executive Vice President for Global Markets Permanent Representative to the United Nations 2001-2004 Iraq 2004-2005 Ambassador Director of National Intelligence 2005-2007 Deputy Secretary of State 2007-2009 Retirement 2009- McLarty Associates Yale University George Washington University
Updated almost 4 years ago