Investor/client | Dr Dennis Bielfeldt |
Is Current | no |
Goods | Dennis and Daniel Bielfeldt of Brookings sued Erickson in 2015, alleging he took their money in a phony investment scheme. A lawyer that Erickson hired to represent him in the case withdrew because Erickson didn’t pay his bills. |
Notes | In 2009, Erickson approached Dennis and Daniel Bielfeldt about investing money into a company called Dignity Medical Inc. He promised a rate of return of between 25 and 75 percent. In May of that year, Erickson signed a confession of judgment. He also turned over a cashier’s check worth $10,000, money used to pay off Daniel Bielfeldt’s portion of the investment. The agreement called for Erickson to pay off the remaining $20,000 by July 29. |