Gregory Cook has a position (Correction Health Design Specialist) at National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Title Correction Health Design Specialist
Start Date 2018-11-00
Is Current yes
Notes Task Force Leader for development of design best practices for correctional health care. Project specialist tasked to review and propose revisions to suicide prevention practices with the goal of developing comprehensive programs that are compliant with national best practices. Responsibilities include in-person facility assessments, staff interviews, documentation, and resolution development. • First architect in the nation to become a Certified Correctional Health Professional (CCHP), highly regarded as a symbol of a professional’s knowledge, understanding, and application of standards and guidelines essential to the delivery of appropriate health care in the correctional environment. • Coordination with national organizations representing the fields of health, mental health, law, and corrections on best practices document. • Developing working model for collaboration with NCCHC and affiliates on new facility assessment and documentation work.
Updated almost 4 years ago

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