Yale Open Lab and Yale University have/had a hierarchical relationship

Notes Yale OpenLab open.projects open climate open solar energy academy collabathon team join open. INCUBATION & COLLABORATION ON BOLD OPEN SOURCE PROJECTS THAT ADDRESS OUR PLANET'S GRAND CHALLENGES. sunrise-1756274.jpg an open innovation lab We develop and incubate open source and disruptive projects that seek to address the most pressing big picture challenges. To navigate such an ambitious mission, we combine interdisciplinary frameworks on holistic thinking to understand complex problems, propose and build solutions designed to catalyze transformational change. We leverage emerging technologies in systems that can harness the power of human collaboration. WHY A LAB?: EXPERIMENT > FAIL > LEARN > ITERATE. 2018-2020 WORK: Climate & energy transition TECH TOOLS: Blockchain, IoT, VR FRAMEWORKS: Resilience, systems and design thinking, social innovations Learn More YalePartnerLogos_centers-03.png Artboard 1.png - HIGHLIGHTED EVENT - OPEN CLIMATE COLLABATHON OPEN CLIMATE COLLABATHON EARTH DAY LAUNCH 2020 Hear the event dialogues with climate & technology experts and re-live the virtual sessions with the global community. UPCOMING COLLABATHON EVENT: NOVEMBER 9-23, 2020 GO TO EVENT SITE projects: 2020 OpenLab_events-08.png OPENSOLAR: BLOCKCHAIN & FINTECH FOR SMART SOLAR FINANCING Deep dive into how blockchain can facilitate financing of community solar projects and microgrids to drive energy democracy. Find out how you can be part of an ongoing project in Puerto Rico’s community cooperative or Rwanda’s off-grid schools. Learn more > OpenLab_events-09.png OPEN CLIMATE: BLOCKCHAIN & IOT FOR GLOBAL CLIMATE ACCOUNTING Collaborate on foundational steps towards building an open-source global climate & Earth ledger. Join our resident team, participate in design sprints or hack with us at the decentralized climate collabathon . Learn more > Artboard 3.png APPLY FOR OPEN STUDENT JOB POSITIONS we are looking for full stack developers, UX/UI designers, climate & energy researchers and blockchain engineers. student summer interns and full-time jobs available. HOW MIGHT WE radically accelerate the transition to a solar economy? karsten-wurth-inf1783-92122-unsplash.jpg incubating open projects. Artboard 5.png 2019-20: TRANSITION TO A SOLAR ECONOMY We are currently focusing on innovative projects that accelerate the transition to a low-carbon energy economy, preventing dangerous climate change and the crossing of planetary boundaries. OPEN SOURCE & FORKABLE All of our projects are developed with the intention to open source its code, blueprints and documentation. Different participatory governance models are evaluated to harness collective intelligence. The rise of blockchain technology and a web 3.0 encourages new business models that can capture value from an open source core technology. MULTI-DISCIPLINARY & HOLISTIC Our project's mindset is free from fixed disciplinary structures, and rather focuses underlying cause of problems and creative solutions. We use both systems and design thinking to navigate complexity. MULTI-PERSPECTIVE & CROSS-SCALE IMPACT We recognize the nested systems involved in complex global problems, and incubate projects that span multiple perspectives: from the Earth down to the individual self. OpenLab_thinking-17.png INCUBATED PROJECTS OpenClimate A single global budget demands a single decentralized ledger network. We are building a global platform for climate accounting using blockchain, IoT and a growing open innovation network. Learn more> Apply for positions > Read the Medium publication > OpenClimateBC4CC_MediumPub1-07.png OpenSolar An IoT+Blockchain enabled platform with smart solar contracts to streamline the finance of solar systems. a project with the Digital Currency Initiative, MIT Media Lab. Learn more > Vist the OpenSolar GitHub Repo > OpenSolarpexels-photo-411592.jpeg Energy Academy Educational experiences in virtual and augmented reality for multi-scale Earth and energy system learning Learn more at EnergyAcademy.space > Energy AcademyIMG_0688.JPG contribute to an openproject WHETHER YOU ARE A YALE STUDENT OR SIMPLY A CONSCIOUS EARTH CITIZEN Theglobal community can collaborate on projects published in our open source repository. Additionally, you can partner with projects or join one of our open events. Yale OpenLab GitHub > YALE RESIDENT TEAM Martin Wainstein, PhD Martin Wainstein, PhD Founder & lead researcher OpenLab Kristine Ericson Kristine Ericson Resident PhD Fellow: Art, Technology & Design OpenClimate Talley Amir Talley Amir Resident PhD Fellow: computer science & cryptography OpenClimate Ben Soltoff Ben Soltoff Environmental Innovation Fellow OpenClimate Sarah Soding Sarah Soding Collabathon Coordinator OpenClimate Bobby Berry Bobby Berry Mixed Arts Innovation Fellow EnergyAcademy Meelendra Singh Meelendra Singh Collabathon Coordinator OpenClimate Dylan Murray Dylan Murray Climate Markets & Policy Researcher OpenClimate Amanda Patterson Amanda Patterson Front End Manager OpenClimate Jacob Levitt Jacob Levitt Machine Learning Engineer OpenClimate Jamie Lee Ying Jamie Lee Ying Climate policy and thoughtware lead OpenClimate Daniel Csonth Daniel Csonth Sprint facilitator and blockchain + energy researcher OpenClimate Winter Willoughby-Spera Winter Willoughby-Spera Mixed reality creator EnergyAcademy Carina Hahn Carina Hahn OpenSolar outreach coordinator OpenSolar Miriam Huerta Miriam Huerta IoT Engineer OpenSolar Andy Wu Andy Wu Collabathon Coordinator OpenClimate FULL LAB TEAM OpenLab landing Yale OpenLab Anchor Centers Upcoming events Fall 2019 join-banner How Might We Open Projects Project Profile Resident Resident Projects Contribute Team & Network New Gallery YalePartnerLogos-02.png CBEY 195 Prospect St New Haven, Connecticut MAIN HOME OPEN! TEAM JOIN PROJECTS ENERGY ACADEMY OPEN SOLAR OPEN CLIMATE Creative Commons License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Updated almost 4 years ago

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