Start Date 2003-00-00
Notes Skip to contentSkip to navigationAccessibility menu closed, Press Enter to open. Home People Safety Equipment Education Publications Research Working with us Collaboration Events History Founding Fathers Prof. Izhak Kidron kidron The Micro-Nano activity started with the microelectronics research by the late Professor I. Kidron and Professor A. Bar-Lev that led to the foundation of the Izhak Kidron Microelectronics Research Center as part of the Technion’s Department of Electrical Engineering. Since its establishment it has advanced to the forefront of Israel’s technological community making a critical contribution to the country’s scientific, industrial and economic development. Prof. Adir Bar-Lev barlev “So that there won’t be another holocaust” – Professor Yitzhak Kidron, the founding father of Israel’s microelectronics. With the advance in science and technology it became clear that one needs to build on and go beyond microelectronics and to answer this challenge the Sara and Moshe Zisapel nanoelectronics center was established. The two centers now operate coherently encompassing the Micro-Nano Fabrication Unit (MNFU) Inauguration ceremony of the nanoelectronic center (2003). From left, Mr. Shimon Peres Israel’s President, Prof. Yehoshua Zeevi, Major-General Amos Horev, Prof. Zeev Apeloig president of Technion, Mr. Yehuda Zisapel, Mr. Zohar Zisapelperes Home History Accessibility Statement Useful Linkes HomeNanorob | Powered byFatfish
Updated about 4 years ago