End Date 1981-00-00
Field Chemistry
Notes 1 Charles M. Lieber Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Harvard University 12 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 Personal Data Date and Place of Birth: 9 April 1959; Philadelphia, PA Academic Training Undergraduate: B.A. in Chemistry, Franklin and Marshall College, 1981 Graduate: Ph.D. in Chemistry, Stanford University, 1985 Postgraduate: Postdoctoral Research, California Institute of Technology, 1985-1987 Professional Experience 1987-1990: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University 1990-1991: Associate Professor of Chemistry, Columbia University 1991-1999: Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University 1999-2017: Mark Hyman Professor of Chemistry, Harvard University 2015-present: Chair, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University 2017-present: Joshua and Beth Friedman University Professor, Harvard University Academic and Professional Awards Welch Award in Chemistry (2019); John Gamble Kirkwood Award, Yale University (2018); Director’s Pioneer Award, National Institutes of Health (2017 & 2008); MRS Von Hippel Award (2016); Remsen Award (2016); Nano Research Award, Tsinghua University Press/Springer (2013); IEEE Nanotechnology Pioneer Award (2013); Willard Gibbs Medal (2013); Wolf Prize in Chemistry (2012); Fred Kavli Distinguished Lectureship in Nanoscience, Materials Research Society (2010); Friendship Award, People’s Republic of China (2009); Inorganic Nanoscience Award, ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry (2009); Einstein Award, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2008); NBIC Research Excellence Award, University of Pennsylvania (2007); Nanotech Briefs Nano 50 Award (2005); World Technology Award in Materials (2004 & 2003); ACS Award in the Chemistry of Materials (2004); Scientific American 50 Award in Nanotechnology and Molecular Electronics (2003); Nelson W. Taylor Award, Pennsylvania State University (2003); New York Intellectual Property Law Association Inventor of the Year Award (2003); APS McGroddy Prize for New Materials (2003); Harrison Howe Award, University of Rochester (2002); MRS Medal (2002); Foresight Institute Feynman Prize in Nanotechnology (2001); NSF Creativity Award (1996); Leo Hendrik Baekeland Award, American Chemical Society (1995); George Ledlie Prize, Harvard University (1994-1995); MRS Outstanding Young Investigator Award (1993); ACS Award in Pure Chemistry (1992); Denkewalter Prize, Loyola University Chicago (1992); Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award (1990-1995); Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship (1990-1992); Wilson Prize (1990); NSF Presidential Young Investigator Award (1988-1993); David and Lucile Packard Fellowship (1988-1993); Distinguished New Faculty Award, Dreyfus Foundation (1987); NIH Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1985-1987); Joseph W. Richards Fellow of the Electrochemical Society (1985); American Institute of Chemists Distinguished Senior Award (1981); Theodore Saulnier Research Award (1981); Pentathlon Medal for Excellence in Chemistry (1981). 2 Honorary Degrees Doctor of Science, University of Chicago (2018); Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa, Franklin & Marshall College (2018); Doctor of Science, Union College (2018). Elected Memberships and Fellowships Elected Member, National Academy of Medicine (2017); Elected Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of Science (2015); Elected Member, National Academy of Inventors (2013); Fellow, American Chemical Society, Inaugural Class (2009); Honorary Fellow, Chinese Chemical Society (2009); Elected Fellow, Materials Research Society (2008); Elected Fellow, Institute of Physics (2004); Elected Member, National Academy of Sciences (2004); Elected Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2002); Elected Fellow, World Technology Network (2002); Elected Fellow, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (2000); Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1996); Elected Fellow, American Physical Society (1996). Honorary Professorships Nankai University (2014); Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2014); University of Science and Technology Beijing (2011); Peking University (2008); Tsinghua University (2002); University of Science and Technology of China (2002); Fudan University (2002); Zhejiang University (2002). Professional Society Memberships American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, American Physical Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, International Society for Optical Engineering, Materials Research Society, Optical Society of America, Society for Neuroscience. Scientific Advisory Boards International Advisory Board, National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, China; International Board, Weizmann Institute of Science; Scientific and Academic Advisory Committee, Weizmann Institute of Science. Editorial Advisory Boards Nano Letters (Co-Editor); Chinese Journal of Chemistry; E-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology; Engineering; Frontier of Neuroscience, Neural Nanotechnology section; International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience; International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Molecular Diagnostics Section; Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Nano Energy; Nano Research and Nano Today; Nanoscience. Research Interests Chemistry and physics of materials with an emphasis on rational synthesis, hierarchical assembly and fundamental physical properties of nanoscale wires; nano-bioelectronics with a focus on real-time, ultrasensitive detectors, revolutionary tools for single cell measurements, and three-dimensional innervation of synthetic tissue and organs; brain science with an emphasis on development of the new syringeinjectable electronics paradigm for long-term mapping and modulation of neural activity in live animals, studies of fundamental problems in neuroscience, including memory, learning and cognition, and the development of implants for the treatment of disease. 3 Publications Lieber has published over 400 articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals. His original work has had a defining influence on the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, where his publications have been cited overall more than 106,800 times, his top 10 papers have been cited more than 29,500 times, and his h-index (impact factor) is 144. Based on his citation impact scores, Lieber was ranked #1 in Chemistry for the decade 2000-2010 by Thomson Reuters. Publications are as follows: 1. C.M. Lieber, C.M. Gronet and N.S. Lewis, “Evidence against surface state limitations on efficiency of p-Si/CH3CN junctions,” Nature 307, 533-534 (1984). 2. M.L. Rosenbluth, C.M. Lieber and N.S. Lewis, “630-mV open circuit voltage, 12% efficient n-Si liquid junction,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 45, 423-425 (1984). 3. C.M. Lieber and N.S. Lewis, “Catalytic reduction of CO2 at carbon electrodes modified with cobalt phthalocyanine,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 106, 5033-5034 (1984). 4. N.S. Lewis, R. Domingues, C.M. Gronet, C.M. Lieber, M.D. Rosenblum, G.W. Cogan, J.F. Gibbons and G.R. Moddel, “Design of efficient semiconductor/liquid junction interfaces in nonaqueous solvents,” in The Chemistry and Physics of Electrocatalysis (eds. J.D.E. McIntyre et al.). The Electrochemical Society: Princeton, 1984). 5. C.M. Lieber and N.S. Lewis, “Probing polymer effects on chemical reactivity: Ligand substitution kinetics of Ru(NH3)5(H2O)2+ in Nafion films,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 107, 7190-7191 (1985). 6. C.M. Lieber, M.H. Schmidt and N.S. Lewis, “Reaction entropy measurements for transitionmetal ions bound to Nafion-coated electrode surfaces,” J. Phys. Chem. 90, 1002-1003 (1986). 7. C.M. Lieber, M.H. Schmidt and N.S. Lewis, “Kinetic studies of ligand substitution rates for the Ru(NH3)5(H2O)2+ ion in Nafion films,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 108, 6103-6108 (1986). 8. C.M. Lieber, “Probing polymer induced reactivity effects in modified electrode catalyst systems,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 133, 442C-444C (1986). 9. C.M. Lieber, J.L. Karas and H.B. Gray, “Reversible long-range electron transfer in rutheniummodified sperm whale myoglobin,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 109, 3778-3779 (1987). 10. J.L. Karas, C.M. Lieber and H.B. Gray, “Free energy dependence of the rate of long-range electron transfer in proteins. Reorganization energy in ruthenium-modified myoglobin,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 599-600 (1988). 11. C.M. Lieber, J.L. Karas, S.L. Mayo, A.W. Axup, M. Albin, R.J. Crutchley, W.R. Ellis and H.B. Gray, “Long-range electron transfer in ruthenium-modified metalloproteins,” Trace Elements in Man and Animals 6 (eds. L.S. Hurley and C.L. Keen), Plenum Press: New York, 1988. 4 12. C.M. Lieber, J.L. Karas, S.L. Mayo, M. Albin and H.B. Gray, “Long-range electron transfer in proteins,” in Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation Conference on Chemical Research XXXI, 9-26. Welch Foundation: Houston, 1988. 13. X.-L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Determination of the structural and the electronic properties of surfaces using scanning tunneling microscopy coupled with chemical modifications,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110, 5200-5201 (1988). 14. X.L. Wu, P. Zhou and C.M. Lieber, “Surface electronic properties probed with tunneling microscopy and chemical doping,” Nature 335, 55-57 (1988). 15. X.-L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “In situ imaging of a detergent monolayer using scanning tunneling microscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. 92, 5556-5557 (1988). 16. X.-L. Wu, P. Zhou and C.M. Lieber, “Determination of the local effect of impurities on the charge-density-wave phase in TaS2 by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2604-2607 (1988). 17. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Hexagonal domain-like charge density wave phase of TaS2 determined by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Science 243, 1703-1705 (1989). 18. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of a new charge density wave phase in niobium-doped tantalum disulfide,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 2731-2733 (1989). 19. S.P. Kelty and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of the electronic structure of potassium-graphite intercalation compounds,” J. Phys. Chem. 93, 5983-5985 (1989). 20. S.P. Kelty and C.M. Lieber, “Atomic-resolution scanning-tunneling-microscopy investigations of alkali-metal-graphite intercalation compounds,” Phys. Rev. B 40, 5856-5859 (1989). 21. Y. Kim and C.M. Lieber, “Synthesis and characterization of new binuclear electron-transfer models containing rigid aromatic spacers,” Inorg. Chem. 28, 3990-3992 (1989). 22. X.L. Wu, C.M. Lieber, D.S. Ginley and R.J. Baughman, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of the local structure of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 single crystals,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 2129-2131 (1989). 23. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Direct characterization of charge-density-wave defects in titaniumdoped TaSe2 by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 41, 1239-1242 (1990). 24. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Direct observation of growth and melting of the hexagonal-domain charge-density-wave phase in 1T-TaS2 by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1150-1153 (1990). 25. H. Chen, X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of the local electronic and structural effects of iron substitution in tantalum disulfide,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 112, 3326-3332 (1990). 5 26. X.L. Wu, Z. Zhang, Y.L. Wang and C.M. Lieber, “Structural and electronic role of lead in (PbBi)2 Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductors by STM,” Science 248, 1211-1214 (1990). 27. Z. Zhang, Y.L. Wang, X.L. Wu, J.-L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Electronic effect of lead substitution in single-crystal Bi(Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors determined by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 42, 1082-1085 (1990). 28. Y.L. Wang, X.L. Wu, C.C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Enhancement of the critical current density in single-crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductors by chemically induced disorder,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87, 7058-7060 (1990). 29. Y. Kim and C.M. Lieber, “Chemically etched silicon surfaces viewed at the atomic level by force microscopy,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 113, 2333-2335 (1991). 30. X.L. Wu, Y.L. Wang, Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Electronic and structural effects of oxygen doping in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox superconductors characterized by tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 43, 8729-8732 (1991). 31. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Applications of scanning tunneling microscopy to inorganic chemistry,” Prog. Inorg. Chem. 39, 431 (1991). 32. S.P. Kelty and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of the surface structure and electronic properties of ternary graphite intercalation compounds,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 1068-1071 (1991). 33. X.L. Wu and C.M. Lieber, “Variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy studies of the charge density wave phases in tantalum disulfide,” J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 9, 1044 (1991). 34. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy studies of the surface structure and electronic properties of single crystal Tl-Ba-Ca-Cu-O superconductors,” J. Vac. Sci. & Technol. B 9, 1009 (1991). 35. Z. Zhang, Y.L. Wang, X.L. Wu, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “The effects of oxygen doping on the electronic properties and microstructure of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox superconductors determined by scanning tunneling microscopy,” 2nd World Congress on Superconductivity (World Scientific, Teaneck, 1991). 36. H. Dai, H. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Weak pinning and hexatic order in a doped two-dimensional charge-density-wave system,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 3183-3186 (1991). 37. S.P. Kelty, C.C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Superconductivity at 30 K in caesium-doped C60,” Nature 352, 223 (1991). 38. C.C. Chen, S.P. Kelty and C.M. Lieber, “(RbxK1-x)C60 Superconductors: formation of a continuous series of solid solutions,” Science 253, 886 (1991). 39. C.M. Lieber and X.L. Wu, “Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of low-dimensional materials: probing the effects of chemical substitutions at the atomic level,” Acc. Chem. Res. 24, 170 (1991). 6 40. S.P. Kelty, Z. Lu and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning-tunneling-microscopy investigations of ternary graphite intercalation compounds,” Phys. Rev. B 44, 4064-4067 (1991). 41. Y. Kim and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy imaging of synthetic oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide-metal complexes,” Scanning Micros. 5, 311-316 (1991). 42. S.P. Kelty, Z. Lu and C.M. Lieber, “Core-level binding energies of Cs-doped C60 and graphite,” J. Phys. Chem. 95, 6754-6756 (1991). 43. Z. Zhang, C.C. Chen, S.P. Kelty, H. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “The superconducting energy gap of Rb3C60,” Nature 353, 333 (1991). 44. Z. Zhang, C.-C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Tunneling spectroscopy of M3C60 superconductors: The energy gap, strong coupling, and superconductivity,” Science 254, 1619-1621 (1991). 45. C.M. Lieber and Y. Kim, “Characterization of the structural, electronic, and tribological properties of metal dichalcogenides by scanning probe microscopies,” Thin Solid Films 206, 355 (1991). 46. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “The energy gap of the M3C60 superconductors,” Mod. Phys. Lett. B 5, 1905 (1991). 47. Y. Kim, J.-L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Characterization of nanometer scale wear and oxidation of transition metal dichalcogenide lubricants by atomic force microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 59, 3404-3406 (1991). 48. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Determination of the local structure and electronic states of high-Tc superconductors by scanning tunneling microscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. 96, 2030-2038 (1992). 49. Y. Kim, E.C. Long, J. K. Barton and C.M. Lieber, “Imaging of oligonucleotide-metal complexes by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Langmuir 8, 496 (1992). 50. Z. Zhang, C.-C. Chen, C.M. Lieber, B. Morosin, D.S. Ginley and E.L. Venturini, “Relationship between crystal chemistry and the local structure and electronic properties of Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 superconductors determined by scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 45, 987-992 (1992). 51. S.P. Kelty and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy investigations of graphite intercalation compounds,” CRC Critical Rev. Surf. Sci. 1(4), 217 (1992). 52. C.-C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Synthesis of pure 13C60 and determination of the isotope effect for fullerene superconductors,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 3141-3142 (1992). 53. C. Niu and C.M. Lieber, “The local structure of Bi2.2Sr1.8Cu1-xFexOy single crystals determined by scanning tunneling microscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. 96, 3419-3423 (1992). 54. C. Niu and C.M. Lieber, “Low-temperature growth of the infinite layer phase of SrCuO2 by pulsed laser deposition,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114, 3570-3571 (1992). 7 55. Y. Li, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Temperature dependence of the energy gap in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductors by high-resolution electron-energy-loss spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 68, 3240-3243 (1992). 56. Y. Kim and C.M. Lieber, “Machining oxide thin-films with an atomic force microscope: pattern and object formation on the nanometer scale,” Science 257, 375-377 (1992). 57. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Oxygen doping Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ superconductors: Variations in the BiO-layer electronic states determined by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 46, 5845-5848 (1992). 58. H. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “Solid-hexatic-liquid phases in two-dimensional charge-density waves,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 1576-1579 (1992). 59. J.-L. Huang, Y.-E. Sung and C.M. Lieber, “Field-induced surface modification on the atomic scale by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1528-1530 (1992). 60. C. Niu and C.M. Lieber, “Growth of the infinite layer phase of Sr1-xNdxCuO2 by laser ablation,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1712-1714 (1992). 61. C. Niu and C.M. Lieber, “Exploiting laser based methods for low-temperature solid-state synthesis: Growth of a series of metastable (Sr1-xMx)1-CuO2 materials,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 115, 137-144 (1993). 62. C.C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Isotope effect and superconductivity in metal-doped C60,” Science 259, 655 (1993). 63. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Measurement of the energy gap in oxygen-annealed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ high-Tc superconductors by tunneling spectroscopy,” Phys. Rev. B 47, 3423- 3426 (1993). 64. H. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “Charge density wave pinning and disorder in two dimensions,” J. Phys. Chem. 97, 2362-2367 (1993). 65. Y. Li and C.M. Lieber, “The energy gap in the high-Tc copper oxide superconductors,” Mod. Phys. Lett. B. 7, 143 (1993). 66. C.M. Lieber and Y. Kim, “Nanomachining and manipulation with the atomic force microscope,” Adv. Mat. 5, 392 (1993). 67. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Nanotube structure and electronic properties probed by scanning tunneling microscopy,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 62, 2792-2794 (1993). 68. Y. Li, J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Dependence of the energy gap on Tc: Absence of scaling in the copper oxide superconductors,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3494-3497 (1993). 8 69. D. Zhang, J.R. Norris, P.J. Krusic, E. Wasserman, C.-C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Time-resolved EPR and Fourier transform EPR Study of triplet C60. determinations of T1 and the 13C hyperfine coupling constant,” J. Phys. Chem. 97, 5886-5889 (1993). 70. C. Niu, Y.Z. Lu and C.M. Lieber, “Experimental realization of the covalent solid carbon nitride,” Science 261, 334 (1993). 71. H. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy studies of low-dimensional materials: Charge density wave pinning and melting in two dimensions,” Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 44, 237 (1993). 72. C.M. Lieber, “Modification and manipulation of layered materials using scanned probe microscopies,” The Technology of Proximal Probe Lithography (ed. C.R.K. Marrian, SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1993). 73. H. Dai, J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Surface pinning and grain boundary formation in magnetic fluxline lattices of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ High-Tc superconductors,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 748-751 (1994). 74. R. Movshovich, J.D. Thompson, C.-C. Chen and C.M. Lieber, “Pressure dependence of the superconducting transition temperature in nominal Rb0.5Cs2.5C60,” Phys. Rev. B 49, 3619-3621 (1994). 75. J. Liu, Y. Li and C.M. Lieber, “Intrinsic features of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ tunneling spectra: Scaling and symmetry of the energy gap,” Phys. Rev. B 49, 6234-6238 (1994). 76. C.M. Lieber and Z. Zhang, “Physical properties of metal-doped fullerene superconductors,” Solid State Physics 48, (eds. H. Ehrenreich and F. Spaepen, Academic Press, 1994). 77. C.M. Lieber and C.C. Chen, “Preparation of fullerenes and fullerene based materials,” Solid State Physics 48, (eds. H. Ehrenreich and F. Spaepen, Academic Press, 1994). 78. C.M. Lieber, “Scanning tunneling microscopy,” Chem. & Eng. News 72, 28 (1994). 79. C.M. Lieber and Z.J. Zhang, “Synthesis of covalent carbon nitride solids: Alternatives to diamond?” Adv. Mat. 6, 497 (1994). 80. S. Yoon, H. Dai, J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Surface pinning as a determinant of the bulk flux-Line lattice structure in copper oxide superconductors,” Science 265, 215 (1994). 81. S.M. Argentine, A.H. Francis, C.C. Chen, C.M. Lieber and J.S. Siegel, “Unusual photoluminescence behavior of C70,” J. Phys. Chem. 98, 7350-7354 (1994). 82. C. Niu and C.M. Lieber, “Thin film synthesis of solids,” Encyclopedia of Inorganic Chemistry 8, 4151-4158 (ed. B. King, John Wiley & Sons, 1994). 83. A.M. Morales, P. Yang and C.M. Lieber, “Preparation of layered Sr2CuO3+ by pulsed laser deposition: Rational synthesis and doping of a metastable copper oxide material,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 8360-8361 (1994). 9 84. H. Dai, S. Yoon, J. Liu, R.C. Budhani and C.M. Lieber, “Simultaneous observation of columnar defects and magnetic flux lines in high-temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductors,” Science 265, 1552-1555 (1994). 85. C.D. Frisbie, L.F. Rozsnyai, A. Noy, M.S. Wrighton and C.M. Lieber, “Functional group imaging by chemical force microscopy,” Science 265, 2071-2074 (1994). 86. Z. Yao, S. Yoon, H. Dai, S. Fan and C.M. Lieber, “Path of magnetic flux-lines through high-Tc copper oxide superconductors,” Nature 371, 777-779 (1994). 87. Z. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Characterization of complex materials by scanning tunneling microscopy: A look at superconductors with high critical temperatures,” Materials Chemistry: An Emerging Discipline, Advances in Chemistry Series 245 (eds. L. Interrante et al., American Chemical Society, 1995). 88. U.C. Täuber, H. Dai, D.R. Nelson and C.M. Lieber, “Coulomb gap and correlated vortex pinning in superconductors,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 5132-5135 (1995). 89. Z.J. Zhang, S. Fan and C.M. Lieber, “Growth and composition of covalent carbon nitride solids,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 66, 3582-3584 (1995). 90. H. Dai, E.W. Wong, Y.Z. Lu, S. Fan and C.M. Lieber, “Synthesis and characterization of carbide nanorods,” Nature 375, 769-772 (1995). 91. A. Noy, C.D. Frisbie, L.F. Rozsnyai, M.S. Wrighton and C.M. Lieber, “Chemical force microscopy: Exploiting chemically-modified tips to quantify adhesion, friction, and functional group distributions in molecular assemblies,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 117, 7943-7951 (1995). 92. C.M. Lieber, “Carbon nitride,” Yearbook of Science and Technology 40-42 (ed. S. Parker, McGraw-Hill, 1995). 93. S. Yoon, Z. Yao, H. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “Elastic properties of flux-line arrays in high-Tc superconductors probed by two-sided decoration,” Science 270, 270-73 (1995). 94. Z.J. Zhang, P. Yang and C.M. Lieber, “Growth and properties of carbon nitride thin films,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 388, 271-80 (1995). 95. C.M. Lieber and Z.J. Zhang, “Carbon nitride solids: Potential alternatives to diamond?” Chem. Ind. 22, 922-25 (1995). 96. Z.J. Zhang, S. Fan, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Pulsed laser deposition and physical properties of carbon nitride thin films,” J. Elec. Mater. 25, 57-61 (1995). 97. C.M. Lieber, J. Liu and P.E. Sheehan, “Anorganische materialien mit hilfe von rastersondenmikroskopen verstehen und manipulieren,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Ger. 108, 748- 768 (1996). 98. C.M. Lieber, J. Liu and P.E. Sheehan, “Understanding and manipulating inorganic materials using scanning probe microscopes,” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 35, 686-704 (1996). 10 99. H. Dai, E.W. Wong and C.M. Lieber, “Probing electrical transport in nanomaterials: Conductivity of individual carbon nanotubes,” Science 272, 523-526 (1996). 100. Z.J. Zhang, S. Fan, J. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Diamond-like properties in a single phase carbon nitride solid,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2639-2641 (1996). 101. J. Liu, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Probing complex low-dimensional solids with scanning probe microscopes: From charge density waves to high-temperature superconductivity,” J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 14, 1064-1069 (1996). 102. Z.J. Zhang, J.L. Huang, S. Fan and C.M. Lieber, “Phases and physical properties of carbon nitride thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition,” Mat. Sci. & Eng. A 209, 5-9 (1996). 103. P.E. Sheehan and C.M. Lieber, “Nanotribology and nanofabrication of MoO3 structures by force microscopy,” Science 272, 1158-61 (1996). 104. J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Electron tunneling microscopy: A direct probe of metal substitution in BiSrCaCuO superconductors,” Inorg. Chim. Acta 243, 305-308 (1996). 105. C.M. Lieber, E.W. Wong, H. Dai, B.W. Maynor and L.D. Burns, “Growth and structure of carbide nanorods,” Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 410, 103-112 (1996). 106. E.W. Wong, B.W. Maynor, L.D. Burns and C.M. Lieber, “Growth of metal carbide nanotubes and nanorods,” Chem. Mater. 8, 2041-2046 (1996). 107. P. Yang and C.M. Lieber, “Nanorod-superconductor composites: A pathway to high critical current density materials,” Science 273, 1836-1840 (1996). 108. C.M. Lieber, “Chemical force microscopy,” Yearbook of Science and Technology 85-88 (ed. S. Parker, McGraw-Hill, 1996). 109. P.E. Sheehan and C.M. Lieber, “Nanomachining, manipulation and fabrication by force microscopy,” Nanotechnol. 7, 236-240 (1996). 110. J. Zhang, J. Liu, J.L. Huang, P. Kim and C.M. Lieber, “Creation of nanocrystals through a solidsolid phase transition induced by an STM tip,” Science 274, 757-760 (1996). 111. A.J. Stevens, T. Koga, C.B. Agee, M.J. Aziz and C.M. Lieber, “Stability of carbon nitride materials at high pressure and temperature,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 118, 10900-10901 (1996). 112. P. Kim, Z. Yao and C.M. Lieber, “Structure of vortex arrays by magnetic decoration,” 8th IWCC Conf. Proc. 3-10 (World Scientific, 1996). 113. P. Kim, Z. Yao and C.M. Lieber, “Vortex lattice structure in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ at high temperatures,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 5118-5121 (1996). 11 114. D.V. Vezenov, A. Noy, L.F. Rozsnyai and C.M. Lieber, “Force titrations and ionization state sensitive imaging of functional groups in aqueous solutions by chemical force microscopy,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 2006-2015 (1997). 115. M.R. Eskildsen, P.L. Gammel, B.P. Barber, U. Yaron, A.P. Ramirez, D.A. Huse, D.J. Bishop, C. Bolle, C.M. Lieber, S. Oxx, S. Sridhar, N.H. Andersen, K. Mortensen and P.C. Canfield, “Observation of a field-driven structural phase transition in the flux line lattice in ErNi2B2C,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1968-1971 (1997). 116. J.D. Harper, S.S. Wong, C.M. Lieber and P.T. Lansbury Jr., “Observation of metastable A amyloid protofibrils by atomic force microscopy,” Chem. Biol. 4, 119-125 (1997). 117. P. Yang, Z.J. Zhang, J. Hu and C.M. Lieber, “Pulsed laser deposition of diamond-like carbon thin films: Ablation dynamics and growth,” Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 438, 593-598 (1997). 118. C.M. Lieber, A.M. Morales, P.E. Sheehan, E.W. Wong and P. Yang, “One-dimensional nanostructures: Rational synthesis, novel properties and applications,” Proceedings of the Robert A. Welch Foundation 40th Conference on Chemical Research: Chemistry on the Nanometer Scale 165-187 (Robert A. Welch Foundation, 1997). 119. P. Yang and C.M. Lieber, “Columnar defect formation in nanorod/Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3Oz superconducting composites,” Appl. 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Lieber, “Semiconductor nanowire solar cells: synthetic advances and tunable properties,” Pure Appl. Chem. 86, 13-26 (2014). 28 356. E. Lee, X. Jiang, M. Houzet, R. Aguado, C.M. Lieber, and S. De Franceschi, “Spin-resolved Andreev levels and parity crossings in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanostructures,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 9, 79-84 (2014). 357. Q. Qing, Z. Jiang, L. Xu, R. Gao, L. Mai and C.M. Lieber, “Free-standing kinked nanowire transistor probes for targeted intracellular recording in three dimensions,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 9, 142-147 (2014). 358. T.-M. Fu, X. Duan, Z. Jiang, X. Dai, P. Xie, Z. Cheng and C.M. Lieber, “Sub-10 nanometer intracellular bioelectronic probes from nanowire-nanotube heterostructures,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 1259-1264 (2014). 359. J. Yao. H. Yan, S. Das, J. Klemic, J. Ellenbogen and C.M. Lieber, “Nanowire nanocomputer as a finite-state machine,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 111, 2431-2435 (2014). 360. W. Zhou, X. Dai, T.-M. Fu, C. Xie, J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Long term stability of nanowire nanoelectronics in physiological environments,” Nano Lett. 14, 1614-1619 (2014). 361. S.-K. Kim, K.-D. Song, T. Kempa, R. Day, C.M. Lieber and H.-G. Park, “Design of nanowire optical cavities as efficient photon absorbers,” ACS Nano 8, 3707-3714 (2014). 362. A. Higginbotham, T. Larsen, J. Yao, H. Yan, C.M. Lieber, C. Marcus and F. Kuemmeth, “Hole spin coherence in a Ge/Si heterostructure nanowire,” Nano Lett. 14, 3582-3586 (2014). 363. A. Higginbotham, F. Kuemmeth, T. Larsen, J. Yao, H. Yan, C.M. Lieber and C. Marcus, “Antilocalization of coulomb blockade in Ge/Si nanowire,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 216806 (2014). 364. W. Shim, J. Yao and C.M. Lieber, “Programmable resistive-switch nanowire transistor logic circuits,” Nano Lett. 14, 5430-5436 (2014). 365. Q. Zhang, G. Li, X. Liu, F. Qian, Y. Li, T.C. Sum, C.M. Lieber and Q. Xiong, “A room temperature low-threshold ultraviolet plasmonic nanolaser,” Nat. Commun. 5, 5953 (2014). 366. X. Jiang, J. Hu, A. Lieber, C. Jackan, J. Biffinger, L. Fitzgerald, B. Ringeisen and C.M. Lieber, “Nanoparticle facilitated extracellular electron transfer in microbial fuel cells,” Nano Lett. 14, 6737-6742 (2014). 367. X. Duan and C.M. Lieber, “Nanoscience and the nano-bioelectronics frontier,” Nano Research 8, 1-22 (2015). 368. L. Chen, W. Lu and C.M. Lieber, “Semiconductor nanowire growth and integration,” in Semiconductor nanowires: From next-generation electronics to sustainable energy, Ed. W. Lu and J. Xiang, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015, 1-53. 369. N. Gao, W. Zhou, X. Jiang, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu and C.M. Lieber, “General strategy for biodetection in high ionic strength solutions using transistor-based nanoelectronic sensors,” Nano Lett. 15, 2143-2148 (2015). 29 370. R. Day, M. Mankin, R. Gao, Y.-S. No, S.-K. Kim, D. Bell, H.-G. Park and C.M. Lieber, “Plateau-Rayleigh crystal growth of periodic shells on one-dimensional substrates,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, 345-352 (2015). 371. P. Kruskal, Z. Jiang, T. Gao and C.M. Lieber, “Beyond the patch clamp: Nanotechnologies for intracellular recording,” Neuron 86, 21-24 (2015). 372. J. Liu, T.-M. Fu, Z. Cheng, G. Hong, T. Zhou, L. Jin, M. Duvvuri, Z. Jiang, P. Kruskal, C. Xie, Z. Suo, Y. Fang and C.M. Lieber, “Syringe-injectable electronics,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 10, 629- 636 (2015). 373. M. Mankin, R. Day, R. Gao, Y.-S. No, S.-K. Kim, A. McClelland, D. Bell, H.-G. Park and C.M. Lieber, “Facet-selective epitaxy of compound semiconductors on faceted silicon nanowires,” Nano Lett. 15, 4776-4782 (2015). 374. G. Hong, T.-M. Fu, T. Zhou, T. Schuhmann, J. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Syringe injectable electronics: Precise targeted delivery with quantitative input/output connectivity,” Nano Lett. 15, 6979-6984 (2015). 375. A.P. Alivisatos, H. Tierney, P. Weiss and C.M. Lieber, “ACS Nano and Nano Letters, partners in leading nanoscience and nanotechnology,” Nano Lett. 15, 4845-4845 (2015). 376. T.J. Kempa, D.K. Bediako, E.C. Jones, C.M. Lieber and D.G. Nocera, “Facile, rapid, and largearea periodic patterning of semiconductor substrates with submicron inorganic structures,” J. Am. Chem. Soc. 137, 3739-3742 (2015). 377. C. Xie, J. Liu, T.-M. Fu, X. Dai, W. Zhou and C.M. Lieber, “Three-dimensional macroporous nanoelectronic networks as minimally invasive brain probes,” Nat. Mater. 14, 1286-1292 (2015). 378. A. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Nano-bioelectronics,” Chem. Rev. 116, 215-257 (2016). 379. J.-H. Lee, A. Zhang, S. You and C.M. Lieber, “Spontaneous internalization of cell penetrating peptide-modified nanowires into primary neurons,” Nano Lett. 16, 1509-1513 (2016). 380. R. Day, M. Mankin and C.M. Lieber, “Plateau-Rayleigh crystal growth of nanowire heterostructures: Strain-modified surface chemistry and morphological control in one, two and three dimensions,” Nano Lett. 16, 2830-2836 (2016). 381. Y. Zhao, J. Yao, L. Xu, M. Mankin, Y. Zhu, H. Wu, L. Mai, Q. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Shapecontrolled deterministic assembly of nanowires,” Nano Lett. 16, 2644-2650 (2016). 382. Y. Brovman, J. Small, Y. Hu, Y. Fang, C.M. Lieber and P. Kim, “Electric field effect thermoelectric transport in individual silicon and germanium/silicon nanowires,” J. Appl. Phys. 119, 234304 (2016). 383. Y.-S. No, R. Gao, M. Mankin, R. Day, H.-G. Park and C.M. Lieber, “Encoding active device elements at nanowire tips,” Nano Lett. 16, 4713-4719 (2016). 30 384. X. Dai, W. Zhou, T. Gao, J. Liu and C.M. Lieber, “Three-dimensional mapping and regulation of action potential propagation in nanoelectronics-innervated tissues,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 11, 776- 782 (2016). 385. A. Zhang, G. Zheng and C.M. Lieber, Nanowires: Building blocks for nanoscience and nanotechnology, Springer 2016. 386. T.-M. Fu, G. Hong, T. Zhou, T. Schuhmann, R.D. Viveros and C.M. Lieber, “Stable long-term chronic brain mapping at the single neuron level,” Nat. Methods 13, 875-882 (2016). 387. N. Gao, T. Gao, X. Yang, X. Dai, W. Zhou, A. Zhang and C.M. Lieber, “Specific detection of biomolecules in physiological solutions using graphene transistor biosensors,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 113, 14633-14638 (2016). 388. W. Zhou, X. Dai and C.M. Lieber, “Advances in nanowire bioelectronics,” Rep. Prog. Phys. 80, 016701 (2017). 389. E.J.H. Lee, X. Jiang, R. Zitko, R. Aguado, C.M. Lieber and S. De Franceschi, “Scaling of subgap excitations in a superconductor-semiconductor nanowire quantum dot,” Phys. Rev. B 95, 180502(R) (2017). 390. T. Zhou, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu, X. Yang, T.G. Schuhmann, R.D. Viveros and C.M. Lieber, “Syringe-injectable mesh electronics integrate seamlessly with minimal chronic immune response in the brain,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, 5894-5899 (2017). 391. P.E. Sheehan and C.M. Lieber, “Friction between van der Waals solids during lattice directed sliding,” Nano Lett. 17, 4116-4121 (2017). 392. T. Ozel, B.A. Zhang, R. Gao, R.W. Day, C.M. Lieber and D.G. Nocera, “Electrochemical deposition of conformal and functional layers on high aspect ratio silicon micro/nanowires,” Nano Lett. 17, 4502-4507 (2017). 393. R. Wang, R.S. Deacon, J. Yao, C.M. Lieber and K. Ishibashi, “Electrical modulation of weakantilocalization and spin orbit interaction in dual gated Ge/Si core/shell nanowires,” Semicond. Sci. Tech. 32, 094002 (11 pp) (2017). 394. T.G. Schuhmann, J. Yao, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu and C.M. Lieber, “Syringe-injectable electronics with a plug-and-play input/output interface,” Nano Lett. 17, 5836-5842 (2017). 395. T.-M. Fu, G. Hong, R.D. Viveros, T. Zhou and C.M. Lieber, “Highly scalable multichannel mesh electronics for stable chronic brain electrophysiology,” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 114, E10046- E10055 (2017). 396. G. Hong, X. Yang, T. Zhou and C.M. Lieber, “Mesh electronics: a new paradigm for tissue-like brain probes,” Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 50, 33-41 (2018). 397. X. Dai, G. Hong, T. Gao and C.M. Lieber, “Mesh nanoelectronics: seamless integration of electronics with tissues,” Acc. Chem. Res. 51, 309-318 (2018). 31 398. G. Hong, R.D. Viveros, T.J. Zwang, X. Yang and C.M. Lieber, “Tissue-like neural probes for understanding and modulating the brain,” Biochemistry 57, 3995-4004 (2018). 399. G. Hong, T.-M. Fu, M. Qian, R.D. Viveros, X. Yang, T. Zhou, J.M. Lee, H.-G. Park, J.R. Sanes and C.M. Lieber, “A method for single-neuron chronic recording from the retina in awake mice,” Science 360, 1447-1451 (2018). 400. T.G. Schuhmann, T. Zhou, G. Hong, J.M. Lee, T.-M. Fu, H.-G. Park and C.M. Lieber, “Syringeinjectable mesh electronics for stable chronic rodent electrophysiology,” J. Vis. Exp. 137, e58003 (2018). 401. J. Sun, R.S. Deacon, R. Wang, J. Yao, C.M. Lieber and K. Ishibashi, “Helical hole state in multiple conduction modes in Ge/Si core/shell nanowire,” Nano Lett. 18, 6144-6149 (2018). 402. R. Wang, R.S. Deacon, J. Sun, J. Yao, C.M. Lieber and K. Ishibashi, “Gate tunable hole charge qubit formed in a Ge/Si nanowire double quantum dot coupled to microwave photons,” Nano Lett. 19, 1052-1060 (2019). 403. X. Yang, T. Zhou, T.J. Zwang, G. Hong, Y. Zhao, R.D. Viveros, T.-M. Fu, T. Gao and C.M. Lieber, “Bioinspired neuron-like electronics,” Nat. Mater. 18, 510-517 (2019). 404. G. Hong and C.M. Lieber, “Novel electrode technologies for neural recordings,” Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 20, 330-345 (2019). 405. B. Tian and C.M. Lieber, "Nanowired bioelectric interfaces," Chem. Rev. 119, 9136−9152 (2019). 406. R.D. Viveros, T. Zhou, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu, H.Y.G. Lin and C.M. Lieber, “Advanced one- and two-dimensional mesh designs for injectable electronics,” Nano Lett. 19, 4180-4187 (2019). 407. Y. Zhao, S. You, A. Zhang, J.-H. Lee, J.L. Huang and C.M. Lieber, “Scalable ultrasmall threedimensional nanowire transistor probes for intracellular recording,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 14, 783- 790 (2019). 408. J.M. Lee, G. Hong, D. Lin, T.G. Schuhmann, A.T. Sullivan, R.D. Viveros, H.-G. Park and C.M. Lieber, “Nano-enabled direct contact interfacing of syringe-injectable mesh electronics,” Nano Lett. 19, 5818-5826 (2019). 409. S.R. Patel and C.M. Lieber, “Precision electronic medicine in the brain,” Nat. Biotechnol. 37, 1007-1012 (2019). 410. N.M. Tran, K. Shekhar, I.E. Whitney, A. Jacobi, I. Benhar, G. Hong, W. Yan, X. Adiconis, M.E. Arnold, J.M. Lee, J.Z. Levin, D. Lin, C. Wang, C.M. Lieber, A. Regev, Z. He and J.R. Sanes, “Single-cell profiles of retinal ganglion cells differing in resilience to injury reveal neuroprotective genes,” Neuron 86, 21-24 (2019). 411. M. Sistani, J. Delaforce, R. B. G. Kramer, N. Roch, M. A. Luong, M.I. den Hertog, E. Robin, J. Smoliner, J. Yao, C.M. Lieber, C. Naud, A. Lugstein and O. Buisson, “Highly transparent 32 contacts to the 1D hole gas in ultrascaled Ge/Si core/shell nanowires,” ACS Nano 13, 14145−14151 (2019). 412. A. Zhang, Y. Zhao, S. You and C.M. Lieber, “Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces,” Nano Today DOI: 10.1016/j.nantod.2019.100821, 9 Dec 2019. Patents Lieber’s original work has resulted in more than 100 United States and International patents issued and pending. These breakthroughs have served as the underlying intellectual property for several small companies, including Nanosys, Inc., Nantero and Vista Therapeutics. Issued and pending United States patents are as follows: US Patents Issued 1. C.M. Lieber, Z.J. Zhang and C. Niu, “Covalent Carbon Nitride Material Comprising C2N and Formation Method,” US Patent 5,840,435 issued 24 November 1998. 2. C.M. Lieber and P. Yang, “Metal Oxide Nanorods,” US Patent 5,897,945 issued 27 April 1999. 3. C.M. Lieber and E. Wong, “Preparation of Carbide Nanorods,” US Patent 5,997,832 issued 7 December 1999. 4. C.M. Lieber and P. Yang, “Method of Producing Metal Oxide Nanorods,” US Patent 6,036,774 issued 14 March 2000. 5. C.M. Lieber, S.S. Wong, A.T. Woolley and E. Joselevich, “Nanometer-Scale Microscopy Probes,” US Patent 6,159,742 issued 12 December 2000. 6. C.M. Lieber and H. Dai, “Carbide Nanomaterials,” US Patent 6,190,634 issued 20 February 2001. 7. J.H. Hafner, C.L. Cheung and C.M. Lieber, “Fabrication of Nanotube Microscopy Tips,” US Patent 6,716,409 issued 6 April 2004. 8. C.M. Lieber, J.H. Hafner, C.L. Cheung and P. Kim, “Direct Growth of Nanotubes, and Their Use in Nanotweezers,” US Patent 6,743,408 issued 1 June 2004. 9. C.M. Lieber, T. Rueckes, E. Joselevich and K. Kim, “Nanoscopic Wire-Based Devices and Arrays,” US Patent 6,781,166 issued 24 August 2004. 10. A. DeHon, C.M. Lieber, P.D. Lincoln and J.E. Savage, “Stochastic Assembly of Sublithographic Nanoscale Interfaces,” US Patent 6,900,479 issued 31 May 2005. 11. A. DeHon, C.M. Lieber, P.D. Lincoln and J.E. Savage, “Sublithographic Nanoscale Memory Architecture,” US Patent 6,963,077 issued 8 November 2005. 33 12. A. DeHon and C.M. Lieber, “Array-Based Architecture for Molecular Electronics,” US Patent 7,073,157 issued 4 July 2006. 13. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent 7,129,554 issued 31 October 2006. 14. C.M. Lieber, T. Rueckes, E. Joselevich and K. Kim, “Methods of Forming Nanoscopic WireBased Devices and Arrays,” US Patent 7,172,953 issued 6 February 2007. 15. C.M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 7,211,464 issued 1 May 2007. 16. C.M. Lieber, X. Duan, Y. Huang and R. Agarwal, “Nanoscale Coherent Optical Components,” US Patent 7,254,151 issued 7 August 2007. 17. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent 7,256,466 issued 14 August 2007. 18. A. DeHon, M.J. Wilson and C.M. Lieber, “Nanoscale Wire-Based Sublithographic Programmable Logic Arrays,” US Patent 7,274,208 issued 25 September 2007. 19. C.M. Lieber, X. Duan, Y. Cui, Y. Huang, M. Gudiksen, L.J. Lauhon, J. Wang, H. Park, Q. Wei, W. Liang, D.C. Smith, D. Wang and Z. Zhong, “Nanoscale Wires and Related Devices,” US Patent 7,301,199 issued 27 November 2007. 20. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent 7,385,267 issued 10 June 2008. 21. C.M. Lieber, T. Rueckes, E. Joselevich and K. Kim, “Methods of Forming Nanoscopic WireBased Devices and Arrays,” US Patent 7,399,691 issued 15 July 2008. 22. C.M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 7,476,596 issued 13 January 2009. 23. DeHon and C.M. Lieber, “Array-Based Architecture for Molecular Electronics,” US Patent 7,500,213 issued 3 March 2009. 24. C.M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors, and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 7,595,260 issued 29 September 2009. 25. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent 7,619,290 issued 17 November 2009. 26. C.M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 7,666,708 issued 23 February 2010. 34 27. A. DeHon, C.M. Lieber, P.D. Lincoln and J.E. Savage, “Nanoscale Wire Coding for Stochastic Assembly,” US Patent 7,692,952 issued 6 April 2010. 28. D.G. Grier, R. Agarwal, G. Yu, C.M. Lieber, K. Ladavac and Y. Roichman, “System and Method for Processing Nanowires with Holographic Optical Tweezers,” US Patent 7,772,543 issued 10 August 2010. 29. W. Lu, J. Xiang, Y. Wu, B.P. Timko, H. Yan and C.M. Lieber, “Nanowire Heterostructures,” US Patent 7,858,965 issued 28 December 2010. 30. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent 7,911,009 issued 22 March 2011. 31. C.M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors, and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 7,915,151 issued 28 March 2011. 32. H. Park, C.M. Lieber, J.J. Urban, Q. Gu and W.S. Yun, “Transition Metal Oxide Nanowires,” US Patent 7,918,935 issued 5 April 2011. 33. C.M. Lieber, B. Tian and X. Jiang, “Branched Nanoscale Wires,” US Patent 8,058,640 issued 15 November 2011. 34. A. DeHon, C.M. Lieber, J.E. Savage and E. Rachlin, “Apparatus, Method and Computer Program Product Providing Radial Addressing of Nanowires,” US Patent 8,072,005 issued 6 December 2011. 35. C.M. Lieber, Y. Wu and H. Yan, “Nanoscale Wire-Based Data Storage,” US Patent 8,154,002 issued 10 April 2012. 36. C. M. Lieber, Y. Cui, X. Duan and Y. Huang, “Doped Elongated Semiconductors, Growing Such Semiconductors, Devices Including Such Semiconductors, and Fabricating Such Devices,” US Patent 8,153,470 issued 10 April 2012. 37. C.M. Lieber, T. Rueckes, E. Joselevich and K. Kim, “Nanoscopic Wire-Based Devices and Arrays,” US Patent 8,178,907 issued 15 May 2012. 38. C.M. Lieber, F. Patolsky and G. Zheng, “Nanoscale Sensors,” US Patent 8,232,584 issued 31 July 2012. 39. C.M. Lieber, X. Gao and G. Zheng, “High-Sensitivity Nanoscale Wire Sensors,” US Patent 8,575,663 issued 5 November 2013. 40. C.M. Lieber, G. Yu and A. Cao, “Liquid Films Containing Nanostructured Materials,” US Patent 8,586,131 issued 19 Nov 2013. 41. C.M. Lieber, Q. Xiong, P. Xie and Y. Fang, “High-Resolution Molecular Sensor,” US Patent 8,698,481 issued 15 April 2014. 35 42. C.M. Lieber, S. Nam and J.-U. Park, “Controlled Synthesis of Monolithically-Integrated Graphene Multilayer Structures,” US Patent 9,029,836 issued 12 May 2015. 43. C.M. Lieber, Y. Fang and F. Patolsky, “Nanosensors and Related Technologies,” US Patent 9,102,521 issued 11 August 2015. 44. B. Tian, P. Xie, T.J. Kempa, C.M. Lieber, T. Cohen-Karni, Q. Qing and X. Duan, “Bent Nanowires and Related Probing of Species,” US Patent 9,297,796 B2 issued 29 March 2016. 45. C.M. Lieber, T. Dvir, D.S. Kohane, R.S. Langer, J. Liu and B. Tian, “Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components, Tissues, and Other Application,” US Patent 9,457,128 issued 4 October 2016. 46. C.M. Lieber, X. Gao, G. Zheng, “High-Sensitivity Nanoscale Wire Sensors,” US Patent 9,535,063 issued 3 January 2017. 47. C.M. Lieber, H.S. Choe and X. Liu, “Nanoscale Field-Effect Transistors for Biomolecular Sensors and Other Applications,” US Patent 9,541,522 issued 10 January 2017. 48. C.M. Lieber, X. Duan, R. Gao, P. Xie and X. Jiang, “Nanoscale Wires, Nanoscale Wire FET Devices, and Nanotube-Electronic Hybrid Devices for Sensing and Other Applications,” US Patent 9,595,685 B2 issued 14 March 2017. 49. C.M. Lieber, R. Gao, X. Duan, S. Strehle, T. Cohen-Karni, B. Tian, P. Xie and Q. Qing, “Nanoscale Sensors for Intracellular and Other Applications,” US Patent 9,638,717 B2 issued 2 May 2017. 50. C.M. Lieber and P. Xie, “Nanopore Sensing by Local Electrical Potential Measurement,” US Patent 9,702,849 issued 11 July 2017. 51. C.M. Lieber, B. Tian and J. Liu, “Methods and Systems for Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components,” US Patent 9,786,850 issued 10 October 2017. 52. C.M. Lieber, Y. Fang and F. Patolsky, “Nanosensors and Related Technologies,” US Patent 9,903,862 issued 27 February 2018. 53. C.M. Lieber, S.-K. Kim, R. Day, H.-G. Park and T. Kempa, “Anisotropic Deposition in Nanoscale Wires,” US Patent 10,049,871 issued 14 August 2018. 54. C.M. Lieber, Q. Xiong, P. Xie and Y. Fang, “High-Resolution Molecular Sensor,” US Patent 10,119,955 issued 6 November 2018. 55. C.M. Lieber, B. Tian and J. Liu, “Methods and Systems for Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components,” US Patent 10,355,229 issued 16 July 2019. 56. C.M. Lieber, J. Liu, B. Tian, T. Dvir, R.S. Langer and D.S. Kohane, “Scaffolds Comprising Nanoelectronic Components, Tissues, and Other Applications,” US Patent 10,369,255 issued 6 August 2019. 36 57. C.M. Lieber, R. Day, M. Mankin, R. Gao and T.J. Kempa, “Controlled Growth of Nanoscale Wires,” US Patent 10,435,817 issued 8 October 2019. 58. C.M. Lieber and P. Xie, “Nanopore Sensing by Local Electrical Potential Measurement,” US Patent 10,436,747 issued 8 October 2019. US Patents Pending 59. C.M. Lieber, H. Park, Q. Wei, Y. Cui and W. Liang, “Nanosensors,” US Patent Application 13/771,504 filed 20 February 2013. 60. C.M. Lieber, X. Duan, Y. Cui, Y. Huang, M. Gudiksen, L.J. Lauhon, J. Wang, H. Park, Q. Wei, W. Liang, D.C. Smith, D. Wang and Z. Zhong, “Nanoscale Wires and Related Devices,” US Patent Application 13/783,915 filed 4 March 2013. 61. C.M. Lieber, T. Rueckes, E. Joselevich and K. Kim, “Nanoscopic Wire-Based Devices, Arrays, and Methods of Their Manufacture,” US Patent Application 13/900,153 filed 22 May 2013. 62. C.M. Lieber, J. Liu, Z. Cheng, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu and T. Zhou, “Systems and Methods for Injectable Devices,” US Patent Application 15/301,792 filed 4 October 2016. 63. C.M. Lieber, N. Gao, W. Zhou, X. Jiang, T. Gao and X. Yang, “Nanoscale Wires with External Layers for Sensors and Other Applications,” US Patent Application 15/563,773 filed 2 October 2017. 64. C.M. Lieber, G. Hong, T.-M. Fu and J. Huang, “Techniques and Systems for Injection and/or Connection of Electrical Devices,” US Patent Application 15/749,617 filed 1 February 2018. 65. C.M. Lieber, T.G. Schuhmann, J. Yao, G. Hong and T.-M. Fu, “Interfaces for syringe-injectable electronics,” US Patent Application 15/977,710 filed 11 May 2018.
Updated about 4 years ago

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