Sergey Nazarov and Riot Games have/had a generic relationship

Interest Sergey Nazarov
Interest Riot Games
Notes While running running ExistLocal in New York and participating in board meetings at companies like Second Market through FirstMark Capital, I came to learn what it takes to turn Pinterest from an idea into a company with a $2.5Bn Valuation and Riot Games from a few young guys who like DOTA into a $400MM acquisition. That is what I am offering great technical teams in Russia through QED Capital; the opportunity to build their technology company the right way. We work with product focused technical teams creating a unique solution for a valuable and technologically complex problem. WHAT WE LOOK FOR TECHNICAL FOUNDERS Great technology is built by founders that can personally launch and continuously improve upon the technology needed to solve their customer’s constantly evolving pain points. A CLEAR CUSTOMER ACQUISITION PLAN Great technology companies are sustained by their ability to generate a profit for their offering. Knowing each customer's monetary value and the cost of acquiring them is crucial to this process. LARGE MARKET Without a large market, existing or newly formed, there is no large company to be built. The large risks of a startup are balanced out by the immense successes they can become through serving a large market. ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE Solving a valuable problem for a customer who has a large budget to pay for your solution is a good plan. Solving it using technology that your competitors can't replicate, or at the very least can't replicate quickly enough is a great plan. RUSSIAN CONSUMER INTERNET We are excited about helping you offer Russian consumers access to valuable goods and services via both web and mobile. A clearly defined customer acquisition plan and a team that can clearly execute on that plan are a must. CONSUMER HARDWARE As new consumer behaviors take hold and the price of hardware continues to decline there is an unprecedented opportunity to provide tangible value. We are excited about working with teams that understand and capitalize on both of these dynamics. WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM US WE DECIDE FAST Raising Venture Capital is usually a time consuming and emotionally draining process. We respect the time and effort you take to educate us about your company and we try our best to decide on our involvement within one to two weeks of a full presentation YOUR FIRST INVESTORS We will invest $50K - $200K in a company’s seed round and up to $500K in a Series A. We prefer priced equity rounds where the founders retain enough equity to keep them motivated through their series A, B and C rounds. We can do your entire seed round or co-invest with like-minded investors. WE EXIST TO ENABLE OUR FOUNDERS We don’t believe in controlling founders, we do believe in in initially choosing “the right people” and enabling them to create a company we are all excited about. Our aim is to give you the advice and resources you need with the minimum amount of friction possible, you have enough to focus on. PATTERN RECOGNITION We help you avoid survivorship bias; we have seen the well known wins, as well as the not so well known failures in your industry. You save time and possibly your company by knowing what caused one company to succeed while others failed. WE HELP YOU SELL Enterprise sales depends on the right relationships to fast track you in the sales process. Understanding online consumer behavior is what decides if an application succeeds. After working with the best enterprise and consumer internet companies in the US, we know what works and what doesn’t. We offer time tested customer acquisition, financing and product development best practices from the top technology companies in the US. We are based in New York City with offices in San Francisco, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, Russia. FOUNDERS We prefer you contact us through an introduction from our extensive network, but if that isn't an option then we understand and you can reach us at If you plan to present your company to us in written form, we highly recommend you use these principles. DEVELOPERS If you are a great software or hardware egineer, we have interesting problems to solve, very smart people to work with and the opportunity to make a product you can be proud of. Feel free to reach us with your github and/or resume at PRESS For any press Inquiries, please feel free to reach us at Home About Team Criteria Expectations Contact
Updated about 4 years ago

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