Asaf Rosenheim has/had a position (Advisor) at Profimex

Title Advisor
Start Date 2019-00-00
Notes Profimex Total Duration5 yrs 1 mo TitleAdvisor Contract Dates EmployedNov 2019 – Present Employment Duration1 yr 1 mo LocationIsrael Member of the Investment Committee and a Director TitleChief Investment Officer Full-time Dates EmployedNov 2015 – Nov 2019 Employment Duration4 yrs 1 mo LocationIsrael Created and maintained an investment management program for this global real estate investment house, while concurrently generating new business, developing and operating an entire investment management process, conducting all client service and presentations including leading the investment team (of 5) and all investment meetings. • Manage a domestic and international portfolio of 90 real estate and real estate-related investments (equity invested $1.1 bb, total portfolio worth $42.0 bb) • Redesigned and operated the manager research and selection process for international real estate equity and debt investment managers. o Sourcing new relationships through my robust network which includes 10 years of work in NYC and the network of the Wharton MBA program. o Added 8 new real estate investment managers after a detailed due diligence process which includes proprietary due diligence package, reference calls, background check, office and site visits, analyzing the track record and investment as well as management team, followed by JV term negotiation. o Introduced two non real estate investment strategies (HQ Equita & Mindspace) • Responsible for all aspects of co-investment & fund operations, in a “cradle to grave” approach, including: o Underwriting, analyzing & presenting to investment committee o Marketing (presentations and communication) with sales team and investor base including HNW, family offices and institutional investors o Overseeing structuring, legal and tax process; working with tax advisers and legal team o Head of portfolio management and responsible for performance tracking and investor reporting • Part of the management team of the firm, partner with colleagues at all levels and across business units to tackle complex issues and execute programs that align multiple stakeholders.
Updated over 4 years ago

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