Asaf Rosenheim has/had a position (Former Consultant) at Profimex

Title Former Consultant
Start Date 2003-00-00
End Date 2006-00-00
Notes Profimex Total Duration3 yrs 1 mo TitleConsultant Dates EmployedJan 2006 Employment Duration1 mo Provide consulting services for Profimex Inc., an independent U.S. subsidiary of Profimex (Israel) •Establish new relationships with investment managers to drive expansion of company. Conduct due diligence to ensure that businesses are aligned and review underwriting of potential new investments •Play an integral role in shaping the organization and successfully managing expectations while navigating the challenges of a geographically diverse employee base •Built trust and confidence of investors through transparent approach, contributing to retention of investors even during economic recession see less TitleUS Operation Manager Dates EmployedJan 2003 – Dec 2005 Employment Duration3 yrs Manage limited partnerships, including distributing capital and providing in-depth asset updates and related market analysis to investors; prepared tax returns for partnerships as well as foreign and domestic investors
Updated over 4 years ago

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