Notes The Academic Center for Impact Investment About the program The Academic Center for Impact Investment and Entrepreneurship is a joint venture of the School of Business Administration at the College of Management, the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (IL), and the Dualis Foundation. Following the growth in the activities of Israel’s social businesses, the Center was established in response to the need for professional training, research, knowledge management, and the organization of methodologies in the field. It is the first academic center of its kind in Israel, offering a master’s degree in business administration, alongside specialization in impact investments and social entrepreneurship. Our partners in the program are the Dualis Foundation and the College of Management Rishon Letzion. Goals To provide infrastructure for applied research, training, practical experience, and development of methodologies for impact entrepreneurship and socially valuable investments. To advance the field of impact investments and social businesses in Israel. To serve as a professional, academic address for all those involved in social investments: graduate students, social entrepreneurs, academic researchers, decision makers, investors, companies and corporations. Mode of operation The Center serves as an academic institution in every respect, and conducts academic courses for students in the area of impact entrepreneurship as well as a Master’s degree program. In addition to the courses, studies are conducted in the field of entrepreneurship in Israel, and conferences, courses and professional training are offered to the general public. The Center also has an entrepreneurship incubator for students, which cultivates social businesses; early-stage impact projects, and a student accelerator for the development of the projects. In the numbers 800 800 people have participated in the Center's activities since it was established 27 27 students study in the master's degree program 200 200 students study in social business courses 35 35 participants take part in the business incubator and project accelerator 500 500 people participate in conferences and training conducted by the Center * 2017-2018 data Gallery Visit our Facebook page and follow our activities Enter Subscribe to our newsletter & receive our news in your inbox Register Edmond de Rothschild Foundation (IL) About History & Legacy Partnerships EdR Center How we work From idea to reality Diversity in society Programs The Coronavirus Crisis News Contact us How do I apply for a grant? All rights reserved to The Edmond the Rothschild Foundation (IL) Created by A brilliant company
Updated over 4 years ago