Nicholas Davis has/had a position (Head of Society and Innovation) at World Economic Forum

Title Head of Society and Innovation
Start Date 2010-00-00
Notes World Economic Forum Total Duration13 yrs 1 mo TitleHead of Society and Innovation, Member of the Executive Committee Dates EmployedMay 2015 – Aug 2019 Employment Duration4 yrs 4 mos LocationGeneva, Switzerland As Head of Society and Innovation I have two overlapping roles. First, I oversee a talented team responsible for engaging the Forum's Civil Society communities of global NGO, labour and faith leaders. Second, I lead the theme of "the Fourth Industrial Revolution" for the World Economic Forum, developing and managing activities and initiatives that explore how society, technology, entrepreneurship and innovation co-evolve. Building on the excellent work of the Civil Society group, the deep expertise of our industry and systems initiatives as well as our previous projects related to innovation and entrepreneurship, the Society and Innovation team draws on the wealth of research across our partners and systems initiatives to bring together policy makers, business leaders, academic communities and civil society representatives. Our reports, books, workshops and board consultations support adaptive, responsive and responsible innovation policies and strategies. Activities include: * The Forum's cross-cutting work on the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", building a new set of initiatives focused on creating a public-private legislative ecosystem helping governments, firms and civil society to collaborate on managing the risks and benefits of emerging technologies. * Overseeing 14 of the Forum's "Global Futures Councils" relating to technology and innovation, each comprising 25 world leading experts at the cutting edge of emerging technologies. * Working alongside the Forum's Global Risks team to identify and address security, economic and political risks stemming from emerging technologies. * Entrepreneurship and Innovation project support and advice across the Forum. * Leading the WIPO-World Economic Forum Inventor's Assistance Programme, a joint initiative of the Forum and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) aimed at providing pro bono IP services to under‐resourced inventors in developing countries. see less TitleGlobal Leadership Fellow Dates EmployedAug 2006 – Aug 2019 Employment Duration13 yrs 1 mo As a Global Leadership Fellow at the World Economic Forum I participate in an executive leadership programme which involves extensive contact with the Forum’s numerous public and private-sector partners, as well as taking academic and leadership development courses provided by INSEAD, LBS, Columbia University and the Wharton School. I'm also excited to mentor other fellows and support the professional development of my peers through formal and informal interactions throughout the programme. see less TitleSenior Director, Head of Europe Dates EmployedMay 2013 – May 2015 Employment Duration2 yrs 1 mo As Head of Europe, I led the World Economic Forum's regional strategy in Europe and managed the team responsible for relationships with European governments and other key stakeholders across the region, including the European Commission and other EU bodies. The team's goal is to initiate and facilitate strategic dialogue and projects that contribute to the sustainable prosperity of Europe. The team's content focus included projects exploring ways to create momentum around innovation and entrepreneurship in the region, as well as research on European competitiveness to complement the EU's "Europe 2020"​ strategy. In addition to leading the Europe team, I was also responsible for strategic initiatives across the Forum's regionally-focused teams. On the strategic initiatives side, I worked with the Forum's regional teams on activities and projects related to regional development and strategy, helping shape the Forum's value propositions to governments and other regional stakeholders. I'm particularly delighted to have supported the ongoing TEN Youth Initiative, which focuses on how enterprises can make the most of the skills (both cognitive and non-cognitive) of young people through more effective mentoring and apprenticeship programmes. … see more TitleCollaborator and Advisor, Strategic Foresight Team Dates EmployedAug 2006 – May 2015 Employment Duration8 yrs 10 mos LocationGeneva, Switzerland As a senior member of the Strategic Foresight team I was charged with developing a range of global, regional and industry-focused initiatives to help the World Economic Forum’s partners develop sustainable strategies in the public interest. A small selection of the many projects I was involved with include 1) completing a major scenario and systems thinking project looking at the political and economic implications of natural resource availability in the year 2030, 2) providing oversight and methodology development for a major foresight study on the future of health systems in 2040 and 3) providing methodology support for the Future Role of Civil Society project. I also worked closely with other team members in presenting and using our previous work at a variety of international conferences and with our various partners. Of particular interest was linking the Forum's approach to economic competitiveness at the national level with our multistakeholder scenario methodology, and exploring how our work on mental models and complex systems extends analysis of global challenges. see less TitleDirector, Head of Constituents Dates EmployedJul 2012 – Nov 2013 Employment Duration1 yr 5 mos As Head of the Constituents and Strategic Initiatives, I managed the World Economic Forum's Constituents team, which is responsible for engaging international NGOs, labour leaders and faith leaders with Forum activities. My project-related work in these areas included advising on The Future Role of Civil Society project, which explores the shifting ecosystem for civil engagement for populations, governments, corporations and NGOs, as well as working with project teams focusing on competitiveness, security, regional cooperation and sustainable development. In addition to my team, project and strategy work, I regularly assist with facilitation, moderation and group process design for workshops and dialogues at World Economic Forum events around the world. see less TitleDeputy Head of Strategic Foresight Dates EmployedNov 2010 – Sep 2012 Employment Duration1 yr 11 mos As Deputy Head of the Strategic Foresight team I assisted the Director, Kristel Van der Elst, in managing a wide array of projects across competitiveness, economic development, geopolitics, healthcare, international finance and the environment/natural resources. I also oversaw team activities and members as required.
Updated over 3 years ago

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