Tripp Jones and Christopher F Gabrieli are/were Colleague MassINCs

Colleague massinc Tripp Jones
Colleague massinc Christopher F Gabrieli
Notes ``As a pal, it was fairly painful to watch," Tripp Jones, a Gabrieli political confidant, said of the 1998 race. ``But the thing I love about the guy, man, he's got chutzpah. He's willing to test himself and go outside the bounds of his comfort zone." Jones, who managed the Roosevelt campaign for governor in 1994, has watched Gabrieli grow from eager volunteer in that campaign to a player in party politics and policy debates. Jones, a cofounder of MassINC, said that Gabrieli's money and effort were key factors in the success of the think tank. ``We've all watched the guy basically go through a fairly public training process in how to do this," said Jones, now an executive of The Mentor Network, a provider of community-based care to individuals with special needs. ``He's invested himself intensely in so many civic causes . . . He digs in on the substance of the work in a serious way."
Updated over 4 years ago