Betsy Z Cohen has/had a position (Founder) at The Bancorp

Title Founder
Start Date 1999-00-00
Notes BETSY Z. COHEN Founder and Strategic Advisor Widely acknowledged as a pioneer in financial law, banking, real estate lending, investing and development, Betsy Cohen and her achievements have been widely recognized by some of the nation’s most prestigious organizations and publications. By the time she founded Jefferson Bank at 32 years of age (which she subsequently sold for over $370 million), she had already served as only the second female law professor on the East Coast (after Ruth Bader Ginsburg), created a commercial law firm, started a shipping business in Hong Kong, set up a leasing company in Brazil, and entered into a joint venture with a bank in Spain. But it would be her creation in 1999 of The Bancorp - a revolutionary concept in commercial banking - that would anchor her position as a true financial services visionary. Today, as Chairman of the Board of FinTech Acquisition Corp., Betsy’s entrepreneurial vision is focused on identifying disruptive technology innovation in the financial services industry, with a particular focus on established companies that offer data processing, transactional or data security, consumer engagement platforms and payment processing services.
Updated over 4 years ago