Gary Glickman has/had a position (Former Managing Director) at Accenture Pay For Success Practice

Title Former Managing Director
Start Date 2014-00-00
End Date 2017-00-00
Notes Managing Director Company NameAccenture Dates EmployedSep 2014 – May 2017 Employment Duration2 yrs 9 mos Led Accenture's North America Health and Human Services consulting practice. Focused on getting better results from taxpayer investments, governments across the country are seeking innovative ways to understand programs that help their constituents prepare for and thrive in our communities. Understanding what works requires a new and unrelenting focus on using data and evidence to fund, manage, and deliver effective services. In addition, managed the Pay for Success practice area. Pay for Success encompasses a range of new and emerging tools to help government measure and achieve better results with taxpayer dollars. These new tools, such as social impact bonds have the potential to transform the way government delivers services ranging from health and human services to the environment and education.
Updated over 4 years ago

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