Notes Health and Human ServicesBolder actions for better outcomes. COVID-19: WHAT TO DO NOW, WHAT TO DO NEXT Public service for a new era. READ MORE Our perspective Today’s Health and Human Services leaders need fresh thinking and bold action to deliver outcomes that truly matter. Here’s how to get there. Focus on WHO Want better services and experience for everyone? Then design your agency around human beings, not policies and processes. Remember WHY The work is hard, but the mission is compelling: keeping children safe, and nurturing stronger families and communities through better care and service. Forge a new HOW Today’s innovation methods, emerging technologies, data-driven insights and ecosystems can help you achieve—and scale—breakthrough results fast. Go beyond expectations When it comes to digital experiences what do people really want from human services? We asked citizens directly and the results were clear. 58% US citizens want human services agencies to be more innovative with technology, particularly with respect to digital experiences. 6OUT OF10 US citizens surveyed believe human services agencies should use advanced analytics to deliver more customized and relevant services. 50% US citizens support the use of AI to improve human service delivery. Accelerate outcomes Increase impact. Lower costs. Deliver better results by staying focused on what truly impacts the health, safety and prosperity of people and communities. Children and Family. Want safe, healthy children? Focus on families. Serve them holistically—surrounding them with child welfare, child support and other services they need to overcome the challenges they face. Public Sector Health. Is it possible to achieve better public sector health outcomes at lower costs? In a word: Yes. Transforming Medicaid requires the courage to break new ground. Work across siloes. And put people at the center of everything you do. Integrated Eligibility. Integrating systems for determining eligibility and delivering services is more than a chance to drive efficiency and capture funding. It’s an opportunity to transform outcomes. Turn innovation into impact Think bold. Scale fast. Today’s tools and technologies make it possible to start small and scale fast. It’s time for bold actions to achieve disruptive results. Use these methods to better understand opportunities, design services and accelerate outcomes. Innovate with purpose. Fuel your innovation engine with courage, discipline and willingness to try, fail and try again. Unleash technology. Technology has never moved this fast. But it will never be this slow again. Start leveraging artificial intelligence, virtual assistants and virtual reality into very real results. Create ecosystems that endure. Problems don’t occur in isolation. Neither should solutions. Bring together organizations, information and other resources to serve people holistically and support better outcomes. Get smart about data. Generating data is easy. Converting it to intelligence is more challenging. It’s also critical to reaching your goals. View Transcript Case studies Using analytics to improve family outcomes Child Support Using analytics to improve family outcomes A pilot by the Michigan Office of Child Support shows how analytics help shape better outcomes. READ MORE Using big data to save little lives Health & Human Services Using big data to save little lives The State of Ohio is harnessing Big Data to better understand and address factors affecting infant mortality. READ MORE Latest HHS insights VIEW MORE POSTS Read our team’s latest thinking across the spectrum of Health and Human Services topics. Child Welfare Foster care: Right kids in, wrong kids out How can we reduce the number of kids in foster care without putting them at risk? Molly Tierney explains in her first blog in this new series. READ MORE Public Service Should gov treat COVID-19 as a point of no return? Ryan Oakes challenges governments NOT to restore the status quo. Instead, be purposeful about defining new norms. READ MORE Health & Human Services Funding shouldn’t dictate the path to support Kristina Stevens explores why and how child welfare funding will change as agencies address the requirements of Family First. READ MORE What we think Child welfare services and COVID-19: Four urgent actions COVID-19 Child welfare services and COVID-19: Four urgent actions Accenture shares key challenges COVID-19 is placing on the child welfare system and how agencies can overcome them. Reimagine a journey to better outcomes Health & Human Services Reimagine a journey to better outcomes Accenture explores the possibilities of making human services programs and systems are coordinated for better family support and... Illustrating the power of modularity Health & Human Services Illustrating the power of modularity Oklahoma has articulated a unified Human Services vision and is using modularity to bring it to life. Technology Consulting The future state CIO Health & Human Services Better outcomes for children and families Technology Technology Vision 2020 Interactive Fjord Trends 2020 Health and Human Services Summit at Harvard For the past decade, Accenture and Leadership for a Networked World, in collaboration with the American Public Human Services Association, bring together senior-level Health and Human Services executives. The purpose of the summit, conducted at Harvard University, is to provide an environment for participants to collaborate, learn and network. The 2019 Health and Human Services Summit: Purpose, Passion, and Impact for the Future was held on October 25-27 and focused on actionable steps to build generative solutions that achieve better outcomes more equitably for the individuals, families and communities they serve. View Transcript Our leaders filter result Molly Tierney Senior Manager – Health & Human Services, North America LinkedIn Valerie Armbrust Managing Director – Consulting, Child Services Lead, North America LinkedIn Gaurav Diwan Managing Director – Consulting, Health & Human Services, North America LinkedIn CONTACT US Capabilities Accenture has the capabilities to leverage leading thinking technology to deliver exceptional results. Accenture Virtual Experience Solutions AVEnueS is a virtual reality (VR) training experience that makes the unknown familiar in human services. Virtual assistants for real-world outcomes The Accenture Virtual Assistant Platform helps to advance your agency’s intelligent automation journey. Accenture Case Insight Solution Accenture Case Insight Solution (ACIS) enables better outcomes for children and families. Transforming Public Service By leveraging our deep industry expertise and applying it to specific challenges that public organizations face, we can deliver proven solutions, end-to-end. We’re infusing government with the fresh thinking it needs to give citizens what they want. Modernizing the Core Evolving core operations, processes and systems whilst embedding innovation, leaders can deliver the services that citizens demand. LEARN MORE Innovative Technologies Driving technology use to tackle opportunities and challenges, prepare for change and create value. LEARN MORE Truly human government Truly human governments empower workforces to move from transactions to relationships with citizens. LEARN MORE Public Service high impact consulting We bring the insight, experience and delivery capabilities needed to help leaders bring Living Governments to life. LEARN MORE Explore our Public Service segments Across the public sector, we’re helping transform organizations to continuously adapt and improve outcomes through innovation. Education Education Accenture Federal Services Accenture Federal Services Cities Cities Public safety Public safety Pensions Pensions Back office transformation Back office transformation Nonprofit Nonprofit Post and parcel Post and parcel Revenue Revenue Connect with us Accenture Public Service on LinkedIn Insights to deliver public service for the future. FOLLOW US Connect with us on Twitter We provide insights for public service orgs to transform & deliver outcomes that matter. FOLLOW US Subscribe to Public Service - YouTube Experience that counts, innovation that works and outcomes that matter. 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Updated over 4 years ago