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About The Foundation
In 2008, James Roosevelt Jr. created the Tufts Health Plan Foundation, fulfilling a long-held desire to use the assets of Tufts Health Plan in a way that brings demonstrable improvement to longstanding health care issues facing our communities.
Tufts Health Plan Foundation’s mission is to improve the health and wellness of the diverse communities we serve.
Our vision is to honor and support communities working to be great places to grow up and grow old.
Through our community investments, the Foundation has given more than $40 million to Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island nonprofits that improve healthy living with an emphasis on older people. The Foundation began funding in New Hampshire in 2016 and in Connecticut in 2019. The Foundation funds programs that move communities toward implementing age-friendly policies and practices that are relevant, focus on the most vulnerable, and include older people in the process.
Learn more about the Foundation's Focus Areas. |