Mou New Standards Project
Mou Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
Start Date 1993-00-00
Notes COMBINED NATIONAL AND STATE CHRONOLOGY OF EDUCATION REFORM INVOLVING NATIONAL CENTER ON EDUCATION AND THE ECONOMY AND THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR RESTRUCTURING EDUCATION State/National S 05/87 SSB 5479 established Schools for 21st Century promoted to Washington by Marc Tucker N 1987 Marc Tucker proposes the creation for National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) {1] N 1988 NCEE's Board of Trustees holds its first Meeting [2] N 2/90 NCEE creates a national consortium of school districts and states canned the National Alliance for Restructuring Education [3] N 6/90 NCEE released its Commission of the Skill of the American workforce report, America's Choice: High Skills, or Low Wages and creates the Workforce Skills Program to implement its recommendations [4] N 2/91 NCEE w/Learning Research & Development at University of Pittsburgh, established New Standards Project (NSP) [5] N 1991 NCEE works with leading members of Congress to introduce federal legislation to further recommendations made in America's Choice: High Skills, or Low Wages [6] S 5/91 G-CERF formed by Gov Gardner's Executive Order [7] S 10/91 Memorandum for Brian Benzel (Superintendent/Edmonds) to Ad Hoc Standards Task Group. Refers to 9/20/91 meeting notes of G-CERF Ad-Hoc Group: Process for Setting Standards which State that Washington should use Marc Tucker to develop a framework for standards, suggests a partnership w/National alliance for Restructuring Education & suggests full partnership w/New Standards Project (NSP), "accepting the partnership rules as stated by Marc Tucker" [8] S 1991 ESSB 5184 passes - establishes Workforce Training and Ed Coordination Board - to create comprehensive workforce & training plan for the state S 02/92 Memorandum to Marc Tucker & David Hornbeck acknowledging Washington's participation in the National Alliance for Restructuring Education's funding proposal to New American Schools Development Corporation (NASDC) [9] S 04/92 SSB 5953 passes - creates "performance-based education basic framework S 1992 SHB 2359 Integration of Vocational and Academic Curricula passes S 06/92 GAP Analysis by David Hornbeck (Senior Consultant to National Business Roundtable and Co-Director of National Alliance for Restructuring Education) and Ronn Robinson, Boeing [10] N 11/92 NCEE convenes small group to outline recommendations to incoming Clinton administration on development of a national human resources development plan and later releases, A Human Resource Development Plan for the United States [11] N 1993 NCEE works closely with the Administration helping to frame federal education and training legislation such as the Goal 2000: Educate America Act and the School to Work Transition Opportunities Act. [12] S 1993 Memorandum of Understanding between Washington OSPI The Learning Research & Development Center at the U of Pittsburgh and the National Center on Education and the Economy concerning the New Standards Project [13] S 1993 HB 1209 Washington State Basic Education Act passes N 1993 Federal School to Work Opportunities Act passes S 1993 HB 1820 School-to-Work passes N 1994 Federal Goals 2000: Educate America Act passes S 1994 Washington applies for and is awarded Federal STW Opportunities Act Grant - Working and Learning together, Creating Washington's Comprehensive School to Work Transitions System-$27 million, 5 year grand - deals extensively with the K-12 system S 1995 Washington applies for Federal one-Stop Career Center grand - sets up geographical centers for job training and services to which STW is linked 1 NCEE - Chronological History 2 Ibid. 3 Ibid. 4 Ibid. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 Executive Order 91-04 - 5/16/91 8 Memorandum, 10/4/91, To: Ad Hoc standards Task Force. from: Brian Benzel - State of Washington-Office of Gov. 9 Memorandum - Washington State - Office of Governor, 2/7/92 To: Marc Tucker and David Hornbeck. From : Booth Gardner, Governor and member of National Education Goals Panel; Judith Billings, SPI and member New Standards Project Board of Directors; Brian Benzel, Chairman, Governor's Task Force on Schools for the 21st Century and Superintendent of the Edmonds School District and member of the National Council of Education Standards and Testing. 10 Washington Gap Analysis, prepared under the auspices of The Business Roundtable by David Hornbeck, Milt Doumit, and Ronn Robinson, July 29, 1992 11 NCEE - Chronological History 12 Ibid. 13 Memorandum of Understanding between The Washington Dept. of Public Instruction, The Learning Research and Development Center at the University of Pittsburgh, and the National Center on Education and the Economy concerning The New Standards Project, signed Judith Billings, March 3, 1993 Chronology prepared by Roxanne Sitler, 981 Westover Rd. Colville 99114 
Updated over 4 years ago