C5 Accelerate and C5 Capital (UK) have a hierarchical relationship

Business program C5 Accelerate
Start Date 2014-00-00
Is Current yes
Notes Accelerate: C5A runs accelerator programs in the Spring and Fall to prepare businesses to scale in the U.S. market. Our Network Accelerator is a focused, intense, and very productive four-week agenda, with specific emphasis on business development and mentorship for founders and their top leadership teams Advise: C5A matches brave startups’ innovations with contracts, R&D funding, and USG business development opportunities to provide the best solutions to the men and women protecting our national security. C5A maps, matches, pursues, and monitors opportunities in the federal marketplace. Launch: C5A runs an incubation program for brave thinkers with new ideas who want to take a chance and grow a business that is impactful. Working alongside the team at C5A, Founders can incubate their business with tailored support in business development and operations to launch the business of a lifetime.
Updated over 4 years ago