Shannon May has/had a position (Co-Founder) at Bridge International Academies

Title Co-Founder
Start Date 2008-00-00
Notes Chief Strategy and Development Officer Company NameBridge International Academies Dates EmployedJul 2008 – Present Employment Duration12 yrs 3 mos LocationNairobi, Kenya Chief Strategy & Development Officer and Co-Founder Provided strategic leadership and vision for the Company. Recognized authority in the LCPS market, parental education consumption, regulatory environments and reform, public and government discourse on private schooling, and international market entry strategies. Leads development efforts at the Company, including market intelligence and demography, real estate acquisition, marketing and communications, government and media relations, as well as the building of relationships with the broader market of LCPS and their respective associations. Leading overall international expansion in Uganda, Nigeria, and India with Development team. Driven by these efforts, Bridge International Academies is now the largest chain of private schools in Africa, and the largest chain of schools globally serving populations earning < $2.
Updated over 4 years ago

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