Richard Baldwin and Paul Krugman have/had a professional relationship

Studied under Richard Baldwin
Mentor at mit Paul Krugman
Notes He wrote his PhD at MIT under the guidance of Paul Krugman, with whom he has co-author a half dozen articles. His MSc in economics is from LSE, his BA in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and he has honorary doctorates from the Turku School of Economics and Business in Finland (2005), the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland (2012), and the Pontifica Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP), in Peru (2014). He was Vice Chair of the Academic Advisory Committee of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington (2008 - 2012), and an Elected Member on the Council of the European Economic Association, (1999-2004, 2006-2011).
Updated over 4 years ago