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Notes Impact investments are investments made with the intention to generate positive, measurable social and environmental impact alongside a financial return. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) Our response to coronavirus Like many other organisations, we are responding to the coronavirus pandemic and its devastating human and economic costs on communities around the world. Click here to view our dedicated coronavirus response page What is the Impact Investing Institute? The Impact Investing Institute is an independent, non-profit organisation which aims to accelerate the growth and improve the effectiveness of the impact investing market. It will do this by raising awareness of, addressing barriers to and increasing confidence in investing with impact. Download our factsheet READ MORE Our vision Our vision is for lives to improve, as more people choose to use their savings and investments to help solve social and environmental challenges, as well as seeking a financial return. Our mission Our mission is to accelerate the growth and improve the effectiveness of the impact investing market, so that more capital contributes to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Introducing the Impact Investing Institute News and views OUR NEXT WEBINAR Visit our events page for recordings of our previous events LATEST NEWS AND VIEWS Update: Looking inward and ahead read more Investing in a resilient future – microfinance as a pathway read more The global impact investing community is coming together to respond to coronavirus read more Update: Building back better after coronavirus read more Partners Impact Investing Institute Sign Up Receive news and updates from the Impact Investing Institute Sign Up Follow us on social media
Updated over 4 years ago