Title Former CEO
Start Date 2006-00-00
End Date 2016-00-00
Notes UnLtd Total Duration9 yrs 5 mos TitleCEO Dates EmployedNov 2006 – Mar 2016 Employment Duration9 yrs 5 mos LocationUK UnLtd is the foundation for social entrepreneurs. It's job is is to reach out and unleash the energies of enterprising people who do good.. UnLtd offers a unique and individually tailored package of cash, development support and networking, supporting around 1,000 start up social entrepreneurs each year in the world's largest and most diverse programme of its kind. UnLtd's strategy is to help build an ecosystem for social entrepreneurs which makes it easy for people to start up a new social venture and thrive. It's ambition is that wherever you are, whatever kind of social venture you are creating, good quality support will be available and accessible for you - taking social entrepreneurship into the mainstream. UnLtd is incubating the Global Social Entrepreneurship Network, a shared learning network for similar social entrepreneur support agencies around the world, currently with members covering over 50 countries. … see more TitleCEO Dates EmployedNov 2006 – Feb 2016 Employment Duration9 yrs 4 mos FSE Management Services is the contract delivery arm of UnLtd, the foundation for social entrepreneurs
Updated over 4 years ago

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