John W Allen has/had a position (Affiliate, Business) at United Nations

Title Affiliate, Business
Notes John was fortunate to become an early Trustee of George Soros’s Open Society Institute and was also asked to become one of three Trustees for the International Science Foundation, with George Soros and James Watson (who discovered DNA). During his tenure with these two organizations, he worked on the idea of a “DNA Account”, which is a digital investment account linked directly to a person’s DNA - the only infallible identity system. The DNA account can provide money for life’s basic necessities while avoiding both corruption and bureaucracy. John has also been involved with other organizations that helped develop his global thinking. He served as the Vice Chairman for the Business Council for the United Nations and he is also a director of The World Policy Institute. “One of the initiatives that we are working on in The World Policy Institute is ‘Global Citizenry’. The first part is ‘Global Connect’ that links organizations like AIESEC as well as others like Ashoka, The World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, etc. The second part is ‘Global Solutions’ which draws upon the Global Connect network to define issues and solutions in a dynamic, Wikipedia-like digital forum. The third part is ‘Global Recognition’, an incentive system including a unique DNA linked identity as a ‘Global Citizen’ and an annual ‘Global Citizen Award’ to be delivered by the Secretary General of the UN along with a Global Passport signed and sealed by all member countries, granting honorary world citizenship to the awardee.”
Updated over 4 years ago

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