Kezia O. L. Taylor Esq. has/had a position (Chair, ACBA Civil Rights Litigation Committee) at Allegheny County Bar Association

Title Chair, ACBA Civil Rights Litigation Committee
Notes This Committee will focus on all facets of civil rights litigation and provide a forum for practitioners of all levels of experience and interest to engage in this area of law. This Committee shall provide education on developments in the law, trends, and legislation, and discusses best practices for pleading, discovery and litigation strategy. Our intent is to highlight significant practical aspects of civil rights litigation in a useful and understandable format, which includes involving not only the bar, but federal and state courts in our discussions, presentations and programs. Our mission is to effectuate high standards of professional competence, and foster growth and development in this constantly evolving area of the law. The Committee will use its collective knowledge to update ACBA practitioners on a tri-annual basis through CLE programs, lunch-and-learns and other venues that provide us with opportunities to share our expertise with the Bar.
Updated over 4 years ago

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