Type Donations
Start Date 2007-00-00
Amount 1,000,000,000 USD
Goods Bloomberg Philanthropies OUR WORK ABOUT US BLOG PRESS & MEDIA PUBLIC HEALTHTOBACCO CONTROL IF LEFT UNCHECKED, TOBACCO USE WILL KILL ONE BILLION PEOPLE THIS CENTURY Bloomberg Philanthropies has committed nearly $1 billion since 2007 to combat tobacco use worldwide. The Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use aims to reduce the global demand for tobacco through a comprehensive, proven approach that combines policy change with increased public awareness. Key strategies of this approach include creating smoke-free public places, banning tobacco advertising, increasing tax on tobacco products, requiring graphic pack warnings and supporting hard-hitting mass media campaigns. Stopping Tobacco Organizations and Products (STOP) is a global tobacco industry watchdog that will aggressively monitor deceptive tobacco industry tactics and practices to undermine public health. Learn more about STOP here. OVERVIEW PROBLEM SOLUTION PROGRESS GET INVOLVED SHARE APPLYING THE BLOOMBERG PHILANTHROPIES APPROACH TO FIGHT GLOBAL TOBACCO USE SPREADING SOLUTIONS The Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use works in low- and middle-income countries around the world to promote proven tobacco control policies that are helping to combat the global tobacco epidemic. MONITORING OUTCOMES The Bloomberg Initiative emphasizes the implementation of evidence-based policies shown to reduce tobacco use. To track our progress and monitor policy changes, we use high-quality tools and practices. COORDINATED PARTNERSHIPS The Bloomberg Initiative works through a global network of partners to support and defend countries implementing comprehensive tobacco control policies. Our partner organizations include: the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, the CDC Foundation, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, the World Health Organization, Vital Strategies, and the University of Illinois – Chicago. Bloomberg Philanthropies and The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation joined together to launch the Anti-Tobacco Litigation Fund. TOBACCO CONTROL IN PRACTICE – TURKEY TURKEY BECOMES FIRST COUNTRY TO IMPLEMENT ALL 6 MPOWER MEASURES READ THE CASE STUDY TOBACCO IS THE WORLD’S LEADING AGENT OF DEATH AND DISEASE Tobacco kills over 8 million people every year, with most of these deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. Every day, more than 21,000 people die from tobacco use. Most tobacco-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, areas that are targets of intensive tobacco industry marketing. Unless urgent action is taken, tobacco will continue to kill more people every year. Tobacco can also be deadly for non-smokers. Secondhand tobacco smoke contributes to heart disease, cancer, and other diseases, causing an additional 600,000 premature deaths annually. The scale of this human tragedy is shocking, but it’s also preventable. Big Tobacco — along with all manufacturers of tobacco products — is fighting to ensure the dangers of their product are concealed, but we are fighting back. TOBACCO CONTROL IN PRACTICE – CHINA IN CHINA: CITIES LEADING THE WAY TOWARDS A NATIONAL SMOKE-FREE LAW READ THE CASE STUDY(Photo Credit: Fuady / Tobacco Free Kids) PUTTING THE BRAKES ON THE WORLDWIDE TOBACCO EPIDEMIC In 2003, the World Health Assembly adopted its milestone World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control — a landmark for global public health. Four years later, the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use was introduced to accelerate progress on global tobacco control efforts. The tobacco control movement needed funding, planning, more technical capacity, and a coordinated strategy among stakeholders. Launched in 2007, the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use has changed the landscape of global tobacco control. The Initiative supports the implementation of proven, evidence-based measures to reduce tobacco use. It has scaled the work of leading non-governmental and governmental organizations, attracted major new philanthropic investments, aligned stakeholders around interventions that work, and generated broad awareness and media attention to the cause. Since 2007, we’ve supported the most effective tobacco control policies, collectively known as MPOWER, to reduce tobacco use. We’ve invested nearly $1 billion to implement these measures where they are needed most. MPOWER’S SIX PROVEN TOBACCO CONTROL STRATEGIES: MONITOR TOBACCO USE AND PREVENTION POLICIES By applying rigorous oversight and metrics to tracking tobacco use and legislation, governments are in a stronger position to make effective progress. PROTECT PEOPLE FROM TOBACCO SMOKE Enacting and enforcing smoke-free environments in public places protects people from secondhand smoke and creates a cultural shift away from tobacco use. OFFER HELP TO QUIT TOBACCO USE Community initiatives – such as telephone hotlines providing guidance on how to quit smoking – strengthen health systems to make tobacco cessation advice available and part of primary health care. WARN ABOUT THE DANGERS OF TOBACCO Requiring graphic, accurate package warning labels and keeping the public informed with press coverage about the harms of tobacco use and tobacco control measures helps counter misleading tobacco industry advertising. ENFORCE BANS ON TOBACCO ADVERTISING, PROMOTION, AND SPONSORSHIP Enacting and enforcing effective legislation that comprehensively bans any form of direct or indirect tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship curtails the impact of tobacco industry marketing. RAISE TAXES ON AND PRICES OF TOBACCO Keeping tax rates high for tobacco products and ensuring that they are adjusted periodically to rise faster than consumer purchasing power is the single most effective mechanism to reduce tobacco use. PROTECTING MORE THAN ONE BILLION PEOPLE WITH NEW POLICIES Our investment of nearly $1 billion accelerates progress on global tobacco control by focusing on the countries with the most tobacco use. Along with national and local governments in high-burden areas, our partners and grantees are making positive change happen in some of the toughest tobacco industry strongholds. Together, we have protected nearly 1.7 billion people with at least one new high-quality tobacco control policy since 2007. The advocacy and political activities comprising the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use are supported by Mike Bloomberg personally and are not in any part supported by The Bloomberg Family Foundation. NEXT STEPS: COUNTERING TOBACCO INDUSTRY ATTACKS As the tobacco control movement gains momentum, the tobacco industry is stepping up their efforts to fight regulation. In response, we announced the third phase of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use. This new phase, which started in 2013, continues to focus investment on low- and middle-income countries with the highest tobacco-consuming rates: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia. Additionally, our program to directly support governments and non-governmental organizations through grant funding in high-burden countries continues to focus on areas of specific action in other low- and middle-income settings. TOBACCO CONTROL IN PRACTICE TURNING THE TIDE: RESULTS SHOW THE BLOOMBERG INITIATIVE IS HAVING A GLOBAL IMPACT READ THE CASE STUDY YOU’RE PART OF THE SOLUTION, TOO. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? SPREAD THE MESSAGE Learn how Bloomberg Philanthropies and its partners are helping to protect a billion people from the global tobacco epidemic. LEARN MORE Get in-depth information on WHO’s MPOWER Policy Package to Reverse the Tobacco Epidemic twitter facebook youtube instagram flickr snapchat contact Bloomberg L.P. Terms of Use Privacy © 2020 Bloomberg.org Group
Updated almost 5 years ago

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