Goods |
DD2158 Healthy Cities Programme
Type of decision:
Director's decision
Date signed:
05 October 2017
Decision by:
Jeff Jacobs, Head of Paid Service
Executive summary
This DD seeks approval for the GLA to receive external grant funding to the value of $100,000
(approximately £60,000) from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Healthy Cities Programme to commission a
process and impact evaluation of the first year of the Healthy Early Years London (HEYL) programme.
That the Executive Director of Communities & Intelligence approves:
1. the receipt of funding of the value of $100,000 (approximately £60,000) from the Bloomberg Philanthropies Healthy Cities Programme; and
2. expenditure of the same to commission a process and impact evaluation of the first year of the HEYL programme.
Part 1: Non-confidential facts and advice
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Signed decision document
Document title File size
DD2158 Bloomberg Healthy Cities (signed) PDF 189 KB |