Title Partner
Notes We are funders and implementers We provide catalytic funding to countries interested in improving epidemic preparedness or their citizens’ heart health. And, we staff the world’s leading experts in cardiovascular health and epidemic preparedness, so that we can send them into the field to provide on-the-ground technical assistance. WE OPERATE IN DOZENS OF COUNTRIES Our focus is on accelerating action through speed, simplicity, and scale in low- and middle-income countries. We work primarily through our partners’ country offices. GLOBAL IMPLEMENTING PARTNERS Our global partners include: World Health Organization, CDC Foundation, Global Health Advocacy Incubator, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, World Bank, Vital Strategies IN-COUNTRY PARTNERS Our in-country partners include: Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Beijing Lisheng Cardiovascular Health Foundation (BLCHF), African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET), PATH, and the National Heart Foundation of Bangladesh.
Updated almost 5 years ago

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