Notes |
June 19-20 2017
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
SOC Institute Team
SOCI 12th Annual National Symposium
Taking Action During Disruptive Times: Advancing Progress on Innovation, Interoperability and Technology in HHS
The Stewards of Change Institute’s 12th National Symposium took place on June 19-20, 2017. This event was held in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health and School of Medicine in Baltimore, Maryland.
Thank you to the participants, presenters, and sponsors who made the 12th National Symposium a big success. We are pleased to share the resources below and encourage you to share them with your network so we can continue to expand understanding of – and advance progress toward – integration and interoperability in health and human services.
Event Materials
SOCI 2017 Symposium Agenda
Session Description Resources
SOCI2017 - Day One - WelcomeMichael J. Klag, MD, MPH, Dean, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health .
The Welcome session featured the lead organizers and supporters of the 12th Annual SOC Institute Symposium. Michael J. Klag, MD, MPH, Dean, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health provided welcome remarks and Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute provided an overview of the purpose of the Symposium.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Welcome
SOCI2017 - Day One - Welcome - Mural
SOCI2017- Day One - Overview of Symposium PurposeDaniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute
The Welcome and Purpose session featured the lead organizers and supporters of the 12th Annual SOC Institute Symposium. Michael J. Klag, MD, MPH, Dean, John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health provided welcome remarks and Daniel Stein, President, Stewards of Change Institute provided an overview of the purpose of the Symposium.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Overview of Symposium Purpose - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - Overview of Symposium Purpose Mural
SOCI2017 - Day One - Overview of Symposium Purpose - Slides
SOCI2017 - Day One - Introducing the National Interoperability Collaborative and the HIMSS-SOCI Guidance Document and Action PlanDaniel Stein, President, SOC Institute,
Margo Edmunds, PhD, Vice President, Evidence Generation and Translation, AcademyHealth,
Thomas M. Leary, MA, CAE, FHIMSS, Vice President, Government Relations, HIMSS North America
During this session, we framed the Symposium’s purpose and core themes through discussion of the new Kresge-enabled work on a National Interoperability Collaborative, as well as the Interoperability Guidance Document and Action Plan that SOC is preparing for/with HIMSS. The focus was on showing how the two initiatives intertwine – and on how to leverage existing and new tools/models to better address critical public health crises (e.g. opioids, water contamination, natural disasters, etc.). Our goal is to advance the way organizations and systems can improve early detection, prevention and early intervention to coordinate and respond to public health-related emergencies.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Introducing the NIC and HIMSS Guidance - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - Introducing the NIC and HIMSS Guidance - Mural
SOCI2017- Day One - Introducing the NIC and HIMSS Guidance - Slides
SOCI2017 - Day One - Cross-Sector Data Sharing in Action: Opportunities and ChallengesAnthony Capizzi, Judge, Montgomery County Juvenile Court, OH,
Michael Wilkening, Undersecretary, California HHS Agency,
Stuart Venzke, Associate Partner, HHS Lead, US SLG, IBM,
Richard Gold, Stewards of Change Institute
Alison Rein, MS, Senior Director for Evidence Generation and Translation, AcademyHealth
This roundtable explored the value, impact and realities of multisector data-sharing on implementing customer- centered care models in state and local jurisdictions – involving courts, child welfare, health and industry – as they relate to public health crises such as the opioid epidemic. Presenters discussed what learning is applicable to current and future projects that impact the most at-risk, underserved populations.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Cross-Sector Data Sharing in Action - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - Cross-Sector Data Sharing in Action - Mural
SOCI 2017 - Day One - Combatting Opioids through Collaboration: Fusion CentersPhilip J. Leaf, PhD, Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Juan Colon, Captain (ret.), NJ State Police, Office of the Attorney General, Office of Drug Addiction Control
Introduction by Professor Phillip Leaf, JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health. Presentation on the New Jersey Drug Monitoring Initiative (Fusion Center). This session offered an overview of the NJ Drug Monitoring Initiative, which takes a holistic approach against heroin and opioid use/abuse though better information sharing. Leveraging strategic partnerships, improved use of intelligence, policy development, investigative support, outreach and training, the state is impacting both the demand and supply side of the crisis. Discussions addressed the benefits of increased information sharing by public health and human services.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Combatting Opioids through Collaboration - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - Combatting Opioids through Collaboration - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day One - Combatting Opioids through Collaboration - Slides
SOCI2017 - Day One - Applying A.I. to Address Critical Social ChallengesStuart Venzke, Associate Partner, HHS Lead, US SLG, IBM
Anthony Capizzi, Judge, Montgomery County Juvenile Court, OH
Vernon Brown, CEO, Aspiranet, (Transitioning Age Youth)
Gregory D. Hager, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, JHU
This expert panel presented some of the advancements occurring within Artificial Intelligence in HHS and throughout industry. The presenters shared ways they are using cognitive computing to enhance case management in Ohio’s largest drug court and within a program to help transitioning-age youth in California learn to live independently. Discussions focused on future opportunities for using AI, along with the risks and challenges.
SOCI2017 - Day One - Applying A.I. to Address Critical Social Challenges - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - Applying A.I. to Address Critical Social Challenges - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day One - Applying A.I. to Address Critical Social Challenges - Slides
SOCI2017 - Day One - What can we Learn from Other Nations’ Innovators about Health and Social Care Integration?Pierre-Gerlier Forest, PhD, Professor and Director, University of Calgary
Ester Sarquella, Operational Committee, Inter-Ministerial Plan for Health and Social Integrated Care, Government of Catalonia
John Halloran, Executive Director, European Social Network
Martin Duggan, CEO, MD Ventures; Social and Health Innovator
Norma A. Padron, PhD, MPH, MA, Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
With possible changes impending in healthcare and social service policy, including to the Affordable Care Act, states may play a much more integral role in determining strategy and policy on these critical issues. Should the opportunity arise to create something different in the United States, how could we take advantage of it? Other nations have succeeded in achieving better health outcomes at a lower cost than has the U.S. This discussion explored international best practices and how they might apply to states in our country today. Topics included social care integration, interoperability, and how technology is transforming social services and care.
SOCI2017 - Day One - What can we Learn from Other Nations’ Innovators about Health and Social Care Integration? - Video
SOCI2017 - Day One - What can we Learn from Other Nations’ Innovators about Health and Social Care Integration? - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Federal Updates about the New Directions and Goals for Health and Human ServicesDr. Wade F. Horn, HHS Marketplace Leader, SLG Practice, Deloitte
Donald Rucker, MD, National Coordinator, ONC, DHHS
Nina Owcharenko Schaefer, Senior Advisor, DHHS Secretary Tom Price
Bruce Greenstein, CTO, Department of Health and Human Services
Chris Traver, Senior Advisor and Interoperability Lead, ACF
Welcome by Jonathan P. Weiner, DrPH, Professor of Health Policy & Management and of Health Informatics, Director, Center for Population Health Information Technology (CPHIT), JHU Bloomberg School of Public Health. This session provided an opportunity for leaders from the Federal Administration to present information about their priorities and new directions at the Office of National Coordinator; Impact of the 21st Century Cures Act on Opioid Crisis; and plans for interoperability and modernization within HHS.
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Federal Updates about the New Directions and Goals for Health and Human Services - Video
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Federal Updates about the New Directions and Goals for Health and Human Services - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day Two - HHS Today, Tomorrow and Beyond: Accelerating Progress In Changing TimesMargo Edmunds, PhD, Vice President for Evidence Generation and Translation, AcademyHealth
Annet Arakelian, Executive Director, Medicare Strategy, Kaiser Permanente
Rod Bremby, Commissioner, Connecticut Dept. of Social Services
Uma Ahluwalia, Director, Montgomery County, MD, Dept. of Health and Human Services
Rasu B. Shrestha, MD, MBA, Chief Innovation Officer, UPMC, Executive Vice President, UPMC Enterprises
Thomas Novak, Medicaid Interoperability Lead. ONC, DHHS
This roundtable explored ways that organizations can continue to make progress and accelerate momentum for innovative solutions that are addressing some of the most challenging issues facing individuals, families, communities and institutions operating within the U.S. Healthcare and Human Services systems. The panelists will discuss how their organizations are planning for the near and long terms; how they are responding to the current uncertainty, and what positive steps they are taking or plan to take. Discussion focused on ways to advance the social determinants of health and well-being; enhance community-based, consumer-centered delivery systems; and ways that technology can improve efficiency, quality and outcomes.
SOCI2017 - Day Two - HHS Today, Tomorrow and Beyond: Accelerating Progress In Changing Times - Video
SOCI2017 - Day Two - HHS Today, Tomorrow and Beyond: Accelerating Progress In Changing Times - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: A Unique Three County Data-Sharing InitiativeRichard Gold, SOC Institute Senior Consultant
Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: Marcy Lauck, Director III, Data Governance, Santa Clara County Office of Education, Founder and Co-Director, Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust
Laura Garnette, Santa Clara County Chief Probation Officer
Three California counties are working together to create a regional data trust to share information among multiple public agencies including Education, Public Health, Probation and Social Services. The current program silos, coupled with unresolved privacy issues, result in incomplete, fragmented and disjointed service delivery for children, especially those living in poverty. A well-managed data trust can provide a comprehensive understanding of factors contributing to student failure and success. SVRDT, which seeks to improve the effectiveness of services and academic outcomes, is a model for improved data sharing and interoperability at work.
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: A Unique Three County Data-Sharing Initiative - Video
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: A Unique Three County Data-Sharing Initiative - Mural
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Silicon Valley Regional Data Trust: A Unique Three County Data-Sharing Initiative - Slides
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Fitting the Pieces Together: Building the National Interoperability Collaborative – and a Journey Mural (2017 - 2019)Facilitators:
SOC Institute, AcademyHealth, JHU Faculty
Thanks to a generous grant from the Kresge Foundation, as well as support from HIMSS, we have a unique opportunity to launch the National Interoperability Collaborative. This session will engage participants in geographically focused working groups to begin outlining the core themes and focus areas needed to realize the vision of improved information sharing and interoperability across the spectrum of care. Using facilitated brainstorming, groups will identify key areas for NIC’s successful launch, including vision, governance, research, metrics and training. We will also outline specific ways that NIC’s partners and members can be involved into the future. During this session, we will co-create a graphically illustrated journey mural that will be used to communicate future actions and plans.
SOCI2017 - Day Two - Moving Forward with Scalability in MindModerator: Paul Wormeli, SOC Institute Board of Directors, Executive Director Emeritus, Integrated Justice Systems Institute (IJIS)
Governor Jim Geringer (former), HIMSS Board Member, Esri
William Hazel, MD, Secretary, Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources
The final roundtable session will utilize our distinguished panelists’ knowledge, skills and experience to synthesize learning and goals from the symposium; in particular, they will focus on accommodating and anticipating the demands of scaling initiatives to fit the requirements of jurisdictions of any size – from local to national. This conversation will be informed by relevant lessons drawn from the experience of homeland security, public safety, healthcare delivery and government, so they can be integrated into our vision, goals and plans for the future. Lessons learned and key recommendations will be incorporated into the National Interoperability Collaborative Roadmap and the SOCI-HIMSS Guidance Document and Action Plan following the symposium |