Title Co-Host
Start Date 2018-00-00
Notes ABOUT Reinventing Our Communities (ROC) is going on the road! Join us for Reinventing Our Communities: Investing in Opportunity, Monday, October 1, through Wednesday, October 3, 2018, at the Hilton Baltimore. Investing in people, places, and communities can produce positive returns and increase access to resources that create economic growth and prosperity. Check out the conference agenda to see the lineup of plenaries and workshops in which you will learn about effective strategies for building and mobilizing four forms of capital — financial, human, physical, and social — to create opportunity in your communities. This year’s event is cosponsored by the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Richmond, and Johns Hopkins 21st Century Cities Initiative (21CC). 21CC is incorporating its annual gathering on cities, the 21st Century Neighborhoods Symposium, held in the fall in Baltimore, into this year's Reinventing Our Communities conference. Cosponsors also include the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis, New York, and St. Louis, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Enterprise Community Partners, FHLBank Pittsburgh, NeighborWorks America, and the Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds. ROC conferences, organized by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia since 2004, have become must-attend biennial events for experts, thought leaders, and policymakers in community development to discuss strategies to “reinvent America’s communities.” To follow us on Twitter and get conference updates, use @philfedcomdev #Reinventing18 Industry thought leaders offer best practices and ideas to invest in opportunity Ben Hecht writes about the transactional strategies that support long-term change Read Essay Enterprise Community Partners explain how to leverage new resources by tapping into market opportunities Read Essay Mike McAfee discusses how communities can build wealth by focusing on the issues of equal access Read Essay AGENDA Monday, October 1 Tuesday, October 2 Wednesday, October 3 Watch Keynote Videos Learning Lab - Next-Level Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Strategy Offsite at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Baltimore Branch CRA officers and community-based organizations are invited to attend this learning lab, which will examine innovative applications of the CRA to address community revitalization. Come explore how banks and communities have partnered to advance economic mobility using interactive case studies and informative panels. Presenters will also cover programs and initiatives that are working to better connect banks with eligible CRA projects in their communities. This session is organized in partnership with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Neighborhood Tour – Southeast Baltimore Mixed-Income Neighborhoods Southeast Baltimore is home to a thriving cluster of neighborhoods with diverse populations, good schools that retain families, strong nonprofits and community organizations that work together in providing local services and quality-of-life amenities, a mixed-income housing stock, and vibrant parks and commercial corridors. Originally a melting pot of ethnic European immigrants, the area has successfully made the transition from a 20th century industrial economy to a vibrant 21st century economy centered around information, financial, medical, and other service sectors. The Southeast Community Development Corporation, a 40-year-old organization started by, among others, former Senator Barbara Mikulski, will lead a tour of public spaces, institutions, and retail corridors in the area that exemplify the diversity, livability, and community revitalization that make Southeast Baltimore a successful community. Neighborhood Tour — Explore the Core: The Central Baltimore Partnership Note: This is a walking tour. Participants should dress in comfortable clothing and shoes. The Central Baltimore Partnership is a diverse coalition of community groups, universities, neighborhood associations, nonprofits, and developers uniting around community plans to strengthen and revitalize 10 neighborhoods and one commercial corridor. Join us as we explore the core: http://explorethecore.org/. This tour will showcase innovative housing designed for teachers, artisans, and middle class families; studios and maker spaces for artists, filmmakers, and game designers; a garment factory reborn as a design school; an auto body shop turned food hall; a bookstore and coffeehouse; and a vibrant arts and entertainment district that is an economic engine in the heart of the city. Neighborhood Tour — East Baltimore: Oliver and Eager Park In 2002, a family of seven was killed by an arsonist. The East Preston Street home was set ablaze in retaliation for repeated calls to police to report drug sales. The tragedy shocked the conscience of an entire city and catalyzed action to rebuild entire neighborhoods. This tour will travel through Eager Park, a new five-and-a-half-acre, three-block linear park at the heart of the East Baltimore Development Initiative. Surrounded by 2,100 units of mixed-income homeownership and rental housing units, 1.7 million square feet of life sciences research and office space, a new seven-acre community learning campus with an early childhood center, and a public K–8 elementary school, this new community was reconstructed though a public-private partnership between state and local government, the Johns Hopkins Institutions, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Participants will then tour the Oliver community, where the Reinvestment Fund has been steadily bringing a neighborhood once blighted by more than 600 abandoned houses back to viability, one row house at a time. HOTEL Reinventing Our Communities: Investing in Opportunity will be held at the Hilton Baltimore located at 401 West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland, 21201 Due to the high demand for this event, the Hilton is now sold out. Rooms are available at the nearby Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor SPONSORS FRB PHIL FRB RICH John Hopkins Annie Casey Enterprise FHL Bank FRB ATL FRB CHI FRB CLEV FRB MINN FRB NY FRB STL Meyerhoff Neighborhoodworks America CONTACT Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia Community Development Studies and Regional Outreach Department Ten Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA 19106-1574 (215) 574-6458 phil.roc@phil.frb.org Follow us on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter for all conference updates and other community development news. Facebook Twitter YouTube Cancellation Policy Refunds minus a $50 administrative fee will be issued upon written request if the request is received on or before August 31. Please note: The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia will not issue refunds on cancellation requests received after August 31.
Updated about 5 years ago