Nicholas Kollerstrom has a position (Founder) at Keep Talking

Title Founder
Is Current yes
Notes "A London church has apologised for “inadvertently” hosting an event by a group founded by Holocaust denier Nick Kollerstrom. According to anti-extremist group Hope Not Hate, one of the speakers was Miko Peled, an Israeli-American activist who caused uproar at a Labour conference fringe event when he appeared to support the questioning of the Shoah. Mr Kollerstrom, a frequent guest of the Richie Allen Show, whose other guests include Holocaust revisionist Alison Chabloz and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke, has previously denied the existence of gas chambers in Nazi death camps, and has disputed whether six million Jews died in the Holocaust. The event – titled Journey of an Israeli in Palestine – was coordinated under the aegis of Prof Kollerstrom’s Keep Talking organisation and took place on October 3 at St Anne’s Church in Soho."
Updated over 4 years ago

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