Young Men's Initiative and My Brother's Keeper have/had a generic relationship

Inspiration for Young Men's Initiative
Inspired by My Brother's Keeper
Start Date 2014-00-00
Notes President Obama hinted at White House initiative focused on assisting young men of color in his State of the Union, and officially introduced it as “My Brother’s Keeper” in late February. This initiative is a partnership between government, private business and the philanthropic community. Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg joined Obama for the announcement. Bloomberg started a similar program, the “Young Men’s Initiative,” in 2011. The city program commits to $127 million over three years to help black and Latino young men. Examples of city programs within the YMI scope include mentoring programs, school discipline advisory groups, internship programs and support programs for youth involved in the criminal justice system. So, what is the substance of My Brother’s Keeper? The fundamental difference between it and Bloomberg’s New York initiative is that New York City shared the cost of it with two private sources: Bloomberg’s own foundation, and the Open Society Institute.
Updated about 5 years ago