Collaborator Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Project New Pedagogies for Deep Learning
Start Date 2012-00-00
Notes OUR JOURNEY Michael Fullan at the Deep Learning Lab – Bellevue USA in June 2014 In 2012, thought leaders Michael Fullan, Greg Butler, Joanne Quinn and representatives from Intel, Microsoft, OECD and Promethean convened in Toronto and laid out a vision for a Global Partnership that would seek to collaboratively build knowledge and practice in new pedagogies for deep learning and support whole system transformation. Invitations to join this movement were sent out to all levels of the system from education ministries to school districts to stake holder organizations. From the first official NPDL event held in Hong Kong in November 2013, we have been joined by 7 countries, new global partners, thousands of schools and NPDL has become a global movement!
Updated about 5 years ago