Manjula Dissanayake has/had a position (Former Consultant) at International Finance Corporation

Title Former Consultant
Start Date 2011-00-00
End Date 2011-00-00
Notes Consultant Company NameIFC - International Finance Corporation at World Bank Dates EmployedMay 2011 – Aug 2011 Employment Duration4 mos LocationWashington D.C. Education & Healthcare Investments Team Financial Modeling & Portfolio Analysis: Supported two deal teams providing financial analyses and research; created financial models to assess the outlook of IFC’s global education investment portfolio, including geographic trends, financing structures, and industry comps. Business Development & Market Research: Conducted business development for healthcare public private partnership (PPP) investments by developing a pipeline of transactions, investment criteria, and a partner database in selective emerging markets. Assessed various PPP investment structures, procurement contracts, markets (i.e. Turkey, Brazil, Mexico, India, & Egypt), and risks and return to help develop investment strategy for the group.
Updated about 5 years ago

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