Europass Diploma Supplement is/was a member of UNESCO

Title Co-Developer
Start Date 1999-00-00
Notes Europass includes three other documents, developed at European level in the late 1990s: The Diploma Supplement was created jointly by the European Commission, Council of Europe and Unesco, for use by higher education institutions throughout Europe and elsewhere to complement the degrees they award. Its use is recommended in a number of policy documents, including the 1999 Bologna Declaration and by the 2001 Council and European Parliament Recommendation on mobility within the Community for students, persons undergoing training, volunteers, teachers and trainers (OJ L 215 of 9.8.2001). The Diploma supplement is increasing in popularity amongst higher education institutions, and European countries have agreed to make its use widespread (see the Berlin Communique of Ministers). The design and the use of the DS are closely linked to the European Credit Transfer System.
Updated about 5 years ago