Notes |
Company NameDanville Community College
Dates Employed1989 – 1993
Employment Duration4 yrs
· Provided leadership for three academic divisions, the Center for Business and Industry, student development services, institutional research and assessment, and the Learning Resources Center
· Administered to 104 full-time faculty and staff and over 100 part-time faculty while serving an enrollment of 5,677 credit students annually
· Increased minority student enrollment from 13% to 22.5 % of student population
· Received $400,000 in special legislative funding for a dental hygiene program
· Obtained $250,000 in grants for faculty and curriculum development
· Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to develop integrated ethics courses
· Guided the implementation of the college’s Honors Program
· Developed and implemented a comprehensive new faculty development program
· Expanded drama and theater offerings
· Developed programs in Automated Office Administration, Computer Aided Design, Microcomputer Application Technology, and Legal Assisting
· Expanded off-campus extension center in partnership with two area colleges
· Wrote grants securing funds for the celebration of Black History Month
· Administered to personnel responsible for providing 350 customized training courses to over 100 businesses and industries serving 3,500 different individuals
· Cultivated articulation agreements with colleges and universities throughout Virginia and North Carolina
· Coordinated the development of the tech-prep program with area public schools
· Worked to increase the college transfer enrollment through aggressively cooperating with area high schools in expanding existing and developing new dual enrollment agreements; and managed instructional programs and resources during a period in which record enrollments totaled 25% |