Title First Director
Start Date 1961-00-00
Notes Columbia Daily Spectator, Volume CVI, Number 21, 24 October 1961 Issue PDF (16.19 MB) Issue Article University Establishes Communist Affairs Unit Institute Will Be Concerned Solely With Research; Brzezinski to Be Director of School's Program Text Why may this text contain mistakes? University Establishes Communist Affairs Unit Institute Will Be Concerned Solely With Research; Brzezinski to Be Director of School 's Program By Doron Gopstein Columbia has established a Research Institute on Communist Affairs which will enable scholars to study Communist states and movements throughout the world. The new institute is concerned ♦solely with research. The director of the institute will be Prof. Zbigniew Brzezinski, expert on government relations within the Sino-Soviet bloc. Russian Institute Director Henry L. Roberts said the new project will provide time off for Columbia specialists to work in this field. Scholars from England, Europe, India and elsewhere will also be invited to participate in research projects. The new school will supplement research dealing with Communist nations now going on in other regional institutes. Most of the specialists in this field are associated with the Russian Institute, the East Asian Institute and the Program on East Central Europe. For several years, these three units have conducted a joint seminar, "The Communist orbit: Russia, East Asia and Eastern Europe." Professor Roberts said members of the faculties of the Latin American Institute, Near and Middle East Institute and Program of Studies on Africa who are interested in regional aspects of international communism will be invited to join in research. The new project is financed by funds drawn from the Ford Foundation gift of $5.5 million for international studies.
Updated about 5 years ago