Todd Williams has/had a position (Former Co-Head Of Investment ) at Whitehall Street Real Estate Funds

Title Former Co-Head Of Investment
End Date 2009-00-00
Notes Ed Siskind and Todd Williams Like Morgan Stanley, Goldman’s Whitehall funds were big casualties of the crisis, with highly leveraged investments in U.S. casinos causing particular bother. The heads of the investment division during the boom and subsequent bust were Ed Siskind and Todd Williams. In 2013 it was announced they were both retiring, and while Williams does indeed appear to have stayed retired, in 2014 Siskind set up a new European investment business called Cale Street Partners, backed by up to $1.5B from the Kuwait Investment Authority. The firm has been relatively low profile since a joint venture to buy a $1.1B European office portfolio in 2015.
Updated about 5 years ago