Brian Gerrish and Citizens Commission on Human Rights had a generic relationship

Recipient of an award sponsored by scientologist front-group Brian Gerrish
Sponsor of an award given to Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Start Date 2010-00-00
End Date 2010-00-00
Is Current no
Notes "A non scio friend has told me that Brian Gerrish of the UK Column recently received an award for his work from Scientologists in East Grinstead. Brian's web site here. I phoned Saint Hill and the receptionist confirmed it was true. She refered me to the web site of citizens commission on human rights who gave the award. A follower of Gerrish who went to the event said that she couldn't understand why Brian Gerrish would have anything to do with the scientologists and that she had felt very uncomfortable sitting in the hall at event at Saint Hill. " " I e-mailed the editor of the UK Column regarding Brian Berrish getting an award from CCHR. Below is the reply. Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't CCHR a front group for the C of S to make Scio look good ?. If Scio/CCHR cared about human rights/abuses then they need not to look further than their own back yard for it's own abuses and in some cases even suicides of scientoligists. Reply below. When he mentions S S he is refering to social services. Hi Mike, The award was from CCHR, who have been doing excellent work exposing abuse within the psychiatric community and big pharma, and have been helping a variety of victims including mums who have suffered psychiatric abuse at the hands of SS and others. We are aware that CCHR receives some funding from Scientology. As you should know, Brian works with any group of reasonable people, be they Christian, Muslim, Conservative, Labour, BNP, UKIP, Catholic or any other colour or creed. The enemy works by labelling people with the view to polarising opinion of who is right and who is wrong. Brian is not interested in playing that game. Cheers, Mike Robinson"
Updated about 5 years ago