Teresa Surita has/had a position (Mayor) at Boa Vista

Title Mayor
Notes Maria Teresa Saenz Surita (born August 14, 1956) is a Brazilian politician who is the mayor of Boa Vista, Roraima and a former Federal Deputy from 1990 to 1992 and from 2011 to 2012. Surita is dedicated to issues of social policy and human rights of children and adolescents. Surita holds a bachelor's degree in tourism. She also served as National Secretary of Urban Policies of the Ministry of Cities from 2009 to 2010, in the cabinet of President Luis Inácio Lula da Silva. Contents 1 Federal Deputy 2 Articles 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Federal Deputy Member of the 54ª Legislature of the Chamber of Deputies, Teresa Surita is presently: Vice Leader of the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party - PMDB First Vice-President of the Special Committee of the National Education Plan [1] Vice-President of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights of the Child and Adolescent Member of the Commission of Social and Family Member of the Board of Advanced Studies and Technology Assessment [2] Rapporteur of the Special Commission for examination of the Bill 7.672/2010 [3] for a child education without use of corporal punishment. Substitute report substitute passed in the House of Representatives, known as "Anti-Spanking Law" Holder of the Special Committee to examine the Bill 7.420/2006 (The Educational Accountability Act)[4] Holder of the Special Committee to examine the PL 8.035/2010 - National Education Plan 2011/2015 [5] Holder of the Special Committee to examine the PL 1.610/1996 - Exploration of Mineral Resources on Indigenous Lands [6] Alternate member of the Commission on Human Rights and Minorities Alternate member of the Urban Development Commission Councillor of Board of Directors of the Congressional Joint Municipal and Support for Mayors and Vice Mayors of Brazil Member of Young Brazilian Parliament Member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into Human Trafficking in Brazil Member of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents 2nd Vice-President of the Special Committee for consideration of the PEC111/2011 on the workers of the former Territories Articles Atenção às terras raras. O Globo, 24/04/2012. (in Portuguese) Terras-raras: dormindo em berço esplêndido. Correio Braziliense, 28/03/2012. (in Portuguese) Crianças e adolescentes, sujeitos de direitos. Folha de S.Paulo, 13/12/2011. (in Portuguese) Acabar com a cultura da violência. Antes tarde do que nunca. Correio Braziliense, 02/11/2011. (in Portuguese) Um basta à violência. Correio Braziliense, 10/09/2011. (in Portuguese) Copa do Mundo e salvaguardas sociais. Correio Braziliense, 17/08/2011. (in Portuguese) Salto de paraquedas na Barra do Vento. Blog Teresa Surita, 25/08/2010. (in Portuguese) Política com o coração. Blog Teresa Surita, 04/08/2010. (in Portuguese) Vencendo desafios: mergulhando em cavernas. Blog Teresa Surita, 11/07/2010. (in Portuguese) É possível recuperar jovens em situação de risco. Blog Teresa Surita, 03/05/2010. (in Portuguese) As muitas vítimas da violência juvenil. Blog Teresa Surita, 30/05/2010. (in Portuguese) Mutirão contra a violência. Folha de Boa Vista, 25/03/2010. (in Portuguese) Um pouco da minha história[permanent dead link]. Blog Teresa Surita, 22/03/2010. (in Portuguese) See also List of mayors of Boa Vista, Roraima References Bill 8.035/2010 (in Portuguese) Caeat Home Page (in Portuguese) Bill 7.672/2010(in Portuguese) Bill 7.420/2006(in Portuguese) Bill 8.035/2010 (in Portuguese) Bill 1.610/1996(in Portuguese) External links Teresa Surita Blog (in Portuguese) Teresa Twitter (in Portuguese) Teresa Surita page - Facebook (in Portuguese) Congresswoman Teresa Surita Home Page at Portal da Câmara(in Portuguese)
Updated about 5 years ago

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