Piers Corbyn had a position (Speaker) at New Horizons

Title Speaker
Start Date 2019-10-21
End Date 2019-10-21
Is Current no
Notes "MONDAY 21st OCTOBER 2019 – Open 7:00 PM for FREE refreshments – 7:30 PM start Climate Policy Controls You! – Not Climate We welcome Piers Corbyn – Jeremy Corbyn’s brother – to give his insights into climate change, Extinction Rebellion and Brexit Piers Corbyn gives a block-busting presentation spelling out how science shows that Man-Made Climate Change does not exist, exposes Extinction Rebellion as a globalist UN-EU Climate "WMD" hoax, and exposes the “con” in the context of the latest Brexit crisis. Not to be missed!" https://archive.ph/uNX8Z#selection-2107.0-2163.17
Updated over 4 years ago

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