Type Funder
Goods 20 MS. ABERNATHY: Thank you, Mitch. 21 Pauline Abernathy with Benefit Data Trust. As 22 you just heard, thanks to the support of CEO, 23 the state, private funders such as PEW, the 24 United Way and many others, it's now possible 25 for people to go to organizations around the Page 33  STREHLOW & ASSOCIATES, INC. (215) 504-4622 Special Committee on Poverty Reduction and Prevention November 18, 2019 1 City, 25 different places, and get assistance, 2 being screened and applying for benefits all in 3 one place rather than having to fill out 4 multiple applications, or they can simply call 5 the hotline that Benefits Data Trust runs.
Updated about 5 years ago