Bryan Lanza and En+ Group Ltd. did/do business

Lobbyist Bryan Lanza
Client En+ Group Ltd.
Start Date 2018-00-00
Notes Last year, he worked on behalf of a Russian oligarch-owned aluminum company to have U.S. sanctions lifted. Lanza is said to have undertaken a lobbying campaign on behalf of the board of directors of EN+—the holding company that owns Oleg Deripaska’s Rusal—just a few weeks after sanctions were announced against the company last spring. The company was hit with sanctions as part of U.S. measures to punish the Kremlin for 2016 election interference and the occupation of Crimea. Lanza, who along with Mercury was hired by Greg Barker, a British lord and the chairman of EN+, helped with an aggressive lobbying campaign that saw him reach out to top officials at the State Department, Treasury, and reportedly the White House. The Trump administration lifted sanctions on Rusal after Deripaska agreed to surrender his controlling stake.
Updated over 4 years ago

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