Type Donor
Amount 1,000,000 USD
Goods https://wrenchinthegears.files.wordpress.com/2019/12/brennann-center-2018-donors.jpg The Brennan Center gratefully acknowledges the Quixote Foundation for its assistance and commitment to the improvement of voting technology in America. We also thank the Bauman Family Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Democracy Alliance Partners, Ford Foundation, The Joyce Foundation, The Irving B. Harris Foundation, Mitchell Kapor Foundation, Michael Kieschnick, Nancy Meyer and Marc Weiss, Open Society Foundations, Rockefeller Family Fund, Tides Advocacy Fund and Wallace Global Fund for their generous support of our voting work. The report could not have been completed without many hours of research, data analysis, and general assistance from Brennan Center research associates John Travis and Lianna Reagan. The authors are also grateful to attorneys with the firm Jenner & Block, LLP, in particular Stephen Ascher, Randall Adams, and Michael Ross for their legal analysis and research.
Updated about 5 years ago