Co-investor Wallace Foundation
Investment True North Fund: Edna McConnell Clark Foundation
Start Date 2011-00-00
Notes True North Fund Grantees (continued) Gateway to College National Network (GtCNN) Academic Achievement [ages 16–24] GtCNN works with community colleges and school districts to engage young people who have dropped out of high school or are at high risk of dropping out. Trained specialists serving as advisors and mentors help these disconnected youth earn a high school diploma as well as college credits. [$7 million total investment] Reading Partners (RP) Academic Achievement [ages 9–12] RP trains and supervises volunteers who provide one-on-one literacy tutoring for elementary school students who are six to 30 months behind in reading, so they can catch up to their peers and become proficient in reading and writing. [$7 million total investment] SEED Foundation Academic Achievement [ages 12–18] SEED supports public boarding schools that combine a rigorous college-prep academic curriculum with youth development activities and intensive social supports for disadvantaged children who are highly unlikely to succeed in a traditional public school setting and can benefit greatly from a 24-hour-a-day learning environment. [$7 million total investment] CO-INVESTORS The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Edna McConnell Clark Foundation The Duke Endowment The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation The JPB Foundation George Kaiser Family Foundation The Kresge Foundation Open Society Foundations The Penzance Foundation Samberg Family Foundation Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation Starr Foundation Tipping Point Community The Wallace Foundation Weingart Foundation
Updated over 5 years ago