Notes |
what it is and how to use it
The T-Profile is a visual construct that represents the optimal combination of 21st century skills and technical skills for the specified job.
Building a Skill Profile with the T
1. Print your job title and name of your organization
2. Starting at the top of the T, shade in the high-level 21st century skills most essential to succeed in the role you are hiring for, and shade them in
(using the job description can be helpful here)
3. For the 21st century skills that you shaded in, look below at the sub-competencies within the skill. Rank order the sub-competencies on a scale of 1-4. 1 being the most critical
4. Fill out the stem of the T with the technical skills required, as dependent on whether the position is intended for an entry, mid, or senior level applicant
5. Does this skill profile accurately describe the entry level role in your job description? Tell us in the MadLib below!
Is this tool useful to you?
A MadLib for feedback!
Through filling out the T-Profile, I’ve learned
That being said, I wish the T showed / included To get this outcome, the T needs to
What are 21st Century Skills?
The Lab defines 21st century skills as the non-technical, transferable skills that are needed for someone to thrive in today’s workforce. After three years of research and development, the Lab has identified eight of these skills, along with their sub- competencies, most valued by employers. These eight skills are reflected in the top of the T and align to the Lab’s badges.

identify your skill profile
student employer your position your company

lead without title
self- awareness
Creative Problem Solving
act as a catalyst
learn from experience
identify patterns
manage ambiguity
convergent / divergent thinking
focus on solutions
perspectives relationships
listen actively
Intercultural Fluency
self- awareness
challenge biases
diverse perspectives
exhibit flexibility
self- awareness
focus on solutions
learn from experience
Critical Thinking
identify patterns
question assumptions
draw conclusions
gather relevant info
Oral Communication
listen actively
clarity/ precision
adopt tone/word choice
listen actively
validate others’ feelings
recognize needs
diverse perspectives
Adobe Creative Suite
Color theory

Education Design Lab / #TeeUpTheSkills
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Education Design Lab / #TeeUpTheSkills
Technical Skills
Entry Level Mid Level Senior Level
identify the skill profile needed 21st Century Skills
position company
lead without title
self- awareness
exhibit flexibility
self- awareness
act as a catalyst
learn from experience
focus on solutions
learn from experience
Creative Problem Solving
identify patterns
Critical Thinking
identify patterns
question assumptions
manage ambiguity
convergent / divergent thinking
draw conclusions
gather relevant info
focus on solutions
diverse perspectives
Oral Communication
listen actively
listen actively
strengthen relationships
clarity/ precision
adopt tone/ word choice
Intercultural Fluency
self- awareness
listen actively
validate others’ feelings
challenge biases
diverse perspectives
recognize needs
diverse perspectives

Start at the skill level! Identify the skills you find most important and then work through the individual sub-competencies, rating them 1-4.
Education Design Lab / #TeeUpTheSkills |