Project Extended Transcript Digital Verifiable Credentials (eT)
Partner Lumina Foundation for Education Inc
Notes The University Learning Store offers modular competency-based learning opportunities in which students can demonstrate mastery and then show the results to an employer. One of the most important features of this program is the portability and discoverability of the skills of the learners in ways not traditionally possible. This program hopes to have verified employers come to the Learning Store looking for employees with specific skills and search a repository to find potential candidates with matching skills. It’s also important to note that the University Learning Store is a collaboration among several universities and colleges including Georgia Institute of Technology; University of California, Davis; University of California, Irvine; UCLA Extension, and the University of Washington Continuum College, also members of IMS Global. IMS Global, closely following the developing registrar guidance of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO), is leading the prototype development of an extended transcript (eT) designed to support exactly this sort of competency-based program. Deau explains, “The Learning Store’s is still an evolving project; however, there are already successes to mention including the agile approach to development that is allowing for a continually evolving system as well as working with Lumina Foundation, AACRAO and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) to develop a prototype eTranscript based on IMS standards.” The goal of the project has been to learn and develop a prototype small pilot and Deau reports it has been a very successful learning effort. In just the past week, the program launched a print version of the transcript.
Updated over 5 years ago

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