Duane A Parde has/had a position (Former Government Representative ) at UNESCO

Title Former Government Representative
Start Date 2004-00-00
Notes 20-Year Policy Career Parde's ALEC tenure was part of a 20-year career in public policy that has included service as an aide to Kansas Attorney General Bob Stephan, as a legislative director (earlier at ALEC), and as state affairs director of the Council for Affordable Health Insurance. In late 2004 U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell named Parde state and local government representative to the U.S. National Commission on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Parde said while no one could replace John Berthoud's unique leadership, he is enthusiastically dedicated to carrying on the work of one of the nation's oldest and most effective forces for limited government. But as he explained, carrying on is not enough. "I am thankful to the boards of directors for giving me the opportunity to expand our outreach, step up our activities, and grow our membership," Parde said. "I will dedicate all my energy to the single goal of putting taxpayers firmly and unequivocally in control of the government their hard-earned money pays for every day. All of this means that there are exciting times ahead for NTU and NTUF!"
Updated over 5 years ago