Nicholas Kollerstrom had a position (Speaker) at New Horizons

Title Speaker
Start Date 2011-04-11
End Date 2011-04-11
Is Current no
Notes MONDAY 11th APRIL 2011 - Open 7.30 PM for FREE refreshments - 8.00 PM start New Developments In The London 7/7 Story A detailed update and thought provoking presentation by Nick Kollerstrom The 7/7 Inquest lasting 5 months is a massive bid by the government to take control of the narrative of the 7/7 London Bombings but will they manage? Is their story disintegrating, and is it not becoming evident that this was a major New World Order staged terror event, to prevent the Human Race from fulfilling its potential, and try to keep everyone living in fear? Any participation of the families of the alleged four bombers has been banned, and the outcome of this no-jury Inquest is totally pre-fixed. Nick believes that we need to promote the concept of Islamic innocence in the events as his investigation of the Luton train times went worldwide in 2005 and proved that the supposed bombers could not have physically have been there at the official times to do the deed. Nick has been attending the inquest and the more elements that the government provide the more discrepancies that become blatantly apparent as the detail does not stand up to close scrutiny. Nick has been providing some very thorough and stunning postings about the inquest on his web site
Updated about 5 years ago

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