Title Director
Start Date 2019-00-00
Notes “It is a huge privilege and special honor to take this leadership role at NCEE,” said president and CEO-designate Anthony Mackay. “Marc and his exceptionally talented staff have built a uniquely positioned and highly influential organization. NCEE is known the world over for its research and singular record of improving schools and school systems. I thank Marc and the NCEE Board of Trustees for their confidence and trust and am excited by the opportunity to contribute to the NCEE mission alongside its world-class staff.” After serving as Associate Director of the National Institute of Education in charge of the nation’s education policy research in the 1970s and then researching the implications of computers and artificial intelligence for education in the early 80s, Tucker was asked by Carnegie Corporation of New York to serve as staff director of the Carnegie Forum on Education and the Economy. The Forum’s 1986 report, A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century, struck themes that would define Tucker’s work for the next 30 years; including his belief that sustained top student performance at scale is a function not of a pile of “proven interventions” but of highly coherent, well-designed education systems set to high standards and staffed by first-rate teachers.
Updated over 5 years ago