Title Author
Start Date 1986-00-00
Notes  Marc Tucker Vice-Chairman and Staff Director President, National Center on Education and the Economy Marc Tucker is President of the National Center on Education and the Economy, a leader in the movement for standards-based school reform in the United States. Mr. Tucker authored the 1986 Carnegie Report, A Nation Prepared: Teachers for the 21st Century, which called for a restructuring of America’s schools based on standards; created the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards; created the Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce and co-authored its report, America’s Choice: high skills or low wages!, which called for a new high school leaving certificate based on standards; was instrumental in creating the National Skill Standards Board and served as the chairman of its committee on standards and assessment policy; and, with Lauren Resnick, created the New Standards consortium, which pioneered the development of performance standards in the United States and created a set of examinations matched to the standards. With Ray Marshall, Mr. Tucker co-authored Thinking for a Living: Education and the Wealth of Nations, selected by Business Week as one of the 10 best business books of 1992; with Judy Codding, co-authored Standards for Our Schools: How to Set Them, Measure Them, and Reach Them, published in 1998; and with Judy Codding, co- editored The Principal Challenge, published in 2002.
Updated over 5 years ago

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